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 By: Bryan Miller  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Bryan Miller {Karma:3395}
Project #49 Dramatic Portrait Camera Model Rollei 6008i
Categories Portrait
Film Format
Portfolio essence
Lens Zeiss Distagon 60mm 3,5
Uploaded 7/9/2005 Film / Memory Type Tri-X 400
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1540 Shutter 1/30
Favorites Aperture f/4.0
Critiques 48 Rating
/ 12 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - United States   United States
About ASA 250
d-76 @ 9:45 minutes
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There are 48 Comments in 1 Pages
vladimir antic vladimir antic   {K:3307} 2/24/2006
Beautiful photo!!!! Great!


po-pad  po-pad     {K:1451} 10/26/2005


Eva H   {K:493} 9/27/2005
wow, wonderfull photograph!


Bryan Miller   {K:3395} 9/20/2005
again, thank you!!



Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 9/20/2005



Carlheinz Bayer   {K:14220} 9/7/2005


Bryan Miller   {K:3395} 8/18/2005
Gayle, thank you so much. and thank you for the word "honesty" -- that is all I look for in a photograph :)



Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 8/17/2005
hi, i just discovered your amazing work and also read your comment re: awards removed...i have never seen that done and will rec. this one in the donor forum photo of the day thread which is where members can rec. photos for consideration of awards given out by staff.....noticed you rec'd awards for the following image posted which are well deserved.....there is an "honesty" about your work much like the classic B/W work of known photographers in the the tonal range,dof,clarity and subject matter of this one and many others in your portfolio....fine,fine work,Bryan......regards,gayle 7+


Bryan Miller   {K:3395} 8/13/2005
Ela, you are too kind :) thank you!



Elzbieta     {K:3153} 8/11/2005
outstanding picture, Bryan
and a really great portfolio
greetz, Ela


Hugo Keizer   {K:-683} 8/11/2005
Wow. Fantastic...


Bryan Miller   {K:3395} 8/9/2005
Sherry thank you so, so much!



Sherry S   {K:2757} 8/9/2005
This is wonderful. I'm enjoying your portfolio.


David Hofmann   {K:22223} 8/5/2005
wow, another one of your wonderful child portraits! Just lovely the way she holds that little baby doll, but the entire scene, her pose and expression creates a serene atmosphere. It seems to me she stopped away from the others to have a moment for herself. Of course I make this up in my head, but I really like photos that start up my imagination and express feelings.


Bea Friedli   {K:10189} 8/2/2005
awesome awesome awesome !! did I say awesome ?
yup..AWESOME !! 7 ++


svend videbak   {K:7376} 7/20/2005
Lovely photograph. All-natural, charming. Good light, "high" and "low" tones. The shadows look impenetrable onscreen here but I'm sure would have detail in a print. I like how Tri-X 400 works in D76 too but I like it even better in Perceptol (pure metol), it gives even finer grain and there's still enough sharpness. The soulful clarity of the eyes is particularly striking, excellent photo! Rgds, Svend


Roland Lacson Roland Lacson   {K:12214} 7/12/2005
Great shot! The narrow DOF really works well for this particular portrait, like where you situated her in the frame & nice tones too. Well done Bryan, cheers.


Giuliano Guarnieri Giuliano Guarnieri   {K:36622} 7/12/2005
I got Tri-X and D-76.
I don't know if my body is warm enough to start from 20?C and arrive at 20,3?C at the end of the process. I'll do a test and eventually I'll develope the film the next time I have the fever! :))))))))))

Thanks lot for the suggestions




marmur-Marek  Urbanski    {K:2307} 7/11/2005
For me it is masterpieces. Everything is excellent. DOF..hmm I must buy Distagon ;)Congrats :)


Bryan Miller   {K:3395} 7/11/2005
oh I forget one point. I agitate the 1 liter tank for first 30 seconds. then I invert 3 times every other 30 seconds (the 3 inversions take 8-9 seconds total), so the tank stand still for 21 seconds.

okay I promise to stop the ramble now :)



Bryan Miller   {K:3395} 7/11/2005
ha GG -- you have me laughing again! good humor.

Let me ramble for a minute. The other day I develop some negatives at 20'C and then I get an idea. 'I should measure the temperature after I develop the negatives to make sure the temperature is 20'C after I develop'. I find that the temperature is NOW 21,3'C ---- NO GOOD!!!!

So for this negative, I use a water bath at exactly 20'C. When I measure the temperature after developing I find the temp to be 20,3'C -- not perfect, but much better. Maybe my hands are responsible for the 0,3'C increase???

but yes, the temp was supposed to be 20'C ;) I think I have discovered good combination with d-76/Tri-X 400 @ ASA 250/20'C/9:45 minutes. the negatives look very good with these controls

and yes this is the boy :) he is my partner in crime *LOL*



Giuliano Guarnieri Giuliano Guarnieri   {K:36622} 7/11/2005
hello Bryan,
your 60mm is wonderful for these portrait!
Great dof, definition and light.
Thanks also for the tech specs, I'll try them, I like very much the skin tones coming from this combination and asa setting. Was the temperature 20? C?

Am I wrong or the shape of the boy in the background is "man" we already seen? :)



P.S. I rated 7 (as last time! :)) ). Tell me if you don't believe me, I'll take a pict of my screen and I send to you :)))


Bryan Miller   {K:3395} 7/11/2005
you are TOO kind!!!! really! thank you though.



Bryan Miller   {K:3395} 7/11/2005
ja mein Freund. ich do. but I think about this during the weekend and then I look at sally mann's work -- and I read what other's say about her work. you know my style is to fotograph the daily life and this is only daily life. if a person think this is more than just daily life then I can do nothing about this. it makes me sad to know this truth but I also must be strong.



Andreas Hering   {K:1684} 7/11/2005
yes this is a great picture. but you know what i think about such fotos in such big forums.


C W C W   {K:4458} 7/10/2005
No, it is not typical for an award to be removed once it has been given. I don't know what happened.


Bryan Miller   {K:3395} 7/10/2005
well that is interesting Ciana. the foto actually had two awards yesterday but now I see that both awards have been removed from the fotograph. I am new to usefilm -- is that normal to take the awards away?



Bryan Miller   {K:3395} 7/10/2005
yesssss! that is precisely what I saw. thank you.



Bryan Miller   {K:3395} 7/10/2005
thank you -- look forward to viewing your portfolio.



Bryan Miller   {K:3395} 7/10/2005
thank you for the very kind words! very appreciated.



Bryan Miller   {K:3395} 7/10/2005
thank you Gertrud!



Bryan Miller   {K:3395} 7/10/2005
thank you very, very much!



Pat Fruen Pat Fruen   {K:12076} 7/10/2005
My favorite style of photograph. Straight to my favorites.


Terry S.   {K:3083} 7/10/2005
Oh, this is great! The comp and moment are wonderful.


Jan .   {K:8693} 7/10/2005
You know I love your style, Bryan...this is fantastic!! What a "presence" she has!!


c c c c   {K:13449} 7/9/2005
WOW! Love your dof here as well as the mood. Great shot.


C W C W   {K:4458} 7/9/2005
There is just something special about this photo. Maybe because we can all see a little bit of our own family in it. Your photo is nicely composed and you have excellent use of DOF. I hope this one gets an award!


Dubravko Grakalic   {K:25235} 7/9/2005
atmosphere is great, technical superb!


Uri Lidsky   {K:4932} 7/9/2005
superb! great B&W, great composition and very good use of DOF.


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 7/9/2005
What an exquisite capture of every family morning that's ever been. Thanks, Bryan.


Rebecca .   {K:146} 7/9/2005
The mood captured in this is incredible.
Wonderful and original portrait.


SORRENTE Patrick   {K:3307} 7/9/2005
Great portrait !


Paolo Corradini Paolo Corradini   {K:59552} 7/9/2005
an intimate portrait, so well composed!
great Bryan!



Luca Luca®   {K:2429} 7/9/2005
wonderful compo tones and bw


Gertrud Gozner   {K:14222} 7/9/2005
great compo... excellent shot! G.


Lukasz Kuczkowski Lukasz Kuczkowski   {K:14687} 7/9/2005
wonderful shot; nothing to add :-)


John Strazza   {K:11535} 7/9/2005
fascinating .. wonderful work ..


Stephan Houde   {K:1157} 7/9/2005
Super Rollei image. The compo, dof, tones are just great ! A Beauty !
Cheers ! S




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