good bye!
{K:-694} 4/26/2005
absolutely perfect! :)
Bryan Miller
{K:3395} 2/28/2005
GG, I did not have time to experiment with Acros before I take these fotos --- ahhhh, yes I know this was a risk but I know this is a very good film :). I also understand is it very sensitive to agitation and time so I have a lab develop these negatives for me --- 10 min 50 sec. They do very good work though. This foto was scanned from film at 3200 dpi on an epson 4870 (positive, RGB). I then set the contrast in photoshop and set USM to 150, 1.0, 5. Original file was 50cm x 50cm and that is why I use the agressive USM settings -- if it is a smaller file, I use much lower USM settings (maybe 50, 0.5, 5). I resize to 620 pixels and save for the web. thank you.
Giuliano Guarnieri
{K:36622} 2/28/2005
oh hooooooh! Also this is a great B&W! How did you develop Acros? Did you scan the film or the print? If the film how did you set the USM?
Phillip Swanson
{K:7013} 2/28/2005
very nice image, i love the range of blacks to whites in the sand... wonderful caputre and the sky is so amazing with the white clouds getting wind blown over the sand peak..
congrats phil swanson
Gaja Snover
{K:4462} 2/25/2005
beautiful tones and textures. I love the rising zig-zag pattern. great composition.
Bryan Miller
{K:3395} 2/25/2005
thank you!
Bryan Miller
{K:3395} 2/25/2005
thank you so much!
Ole Rasmussen
{K:1368} 2/25/2005
Great job, excelent, superb..... 7++
Barry Wakelin
{K:7838} 2/25/2005
Nice one - love the lead in line and the way the clouds look like swirling sand rising into the sky.
{K:8878} 2/25/2005
perfect dramatic shot, wonderfull image,good job...
Kosti 7even
{K:6328} 2/25/2005
I love the composition here; red filter added drama the way u were expecting; absolutely magnificent!
Naomi Weidner
{K:6636} 2/25/2005
Great composition and contrast. The activity in the sky is perfect placed to compliment the dune. Congrats! -- Naomi