Uri Lidsky
{K:4932} 9/16/2005
well, the sailling ship does add a lot to the picture, but i would like have liked it beeter if it had a bit less space and there would be a bit more space at the right side of the opera house. thanks for your comment. Uri.
Warren B
{K:7272} 6/30/2005
Always good to see an aussie! Great shot of one of our more recognisable national symbols, and I like the way that the shot shows both the "old and the new" of the Harbour. Some great tones and a fine composition. Well done.
Hani Ghayhab
{K:3723} 6/29/2005
Bruce Harper
{K:5305} 6/29/2005
Thanks Galal, appreciate the comment
Jacquie Lindsay
{K:3196} 6/29/2005
Hi Bruce,another awesome shot! See what you mean about which one you like better,both are beautiful in different ways.I wouldn't bother trying to choose,i'd hang them both on my wall, nice work! :)
Luis Diogo
{K:6019} 6/29/2005
Beautiful.Really wonderful shot! Luis.
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 6/29/2005
Beautiful shot Bruce , well done .