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Looking... out of the box!
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Image Title:  Looking... out of the box!
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 By: Humayun Rizwan  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Humayun Rizwan {Karma:3235}
Project #49 Dramatic Portrait Camera Model Kodak Easyshare LS443
Categories Portrait
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Fixed
Uploaded 5/24/2005 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 863 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 51 Rating
/ 12 Ratings
Location City -  Haripur
State - 
Country - Pakistan   Pakistan
About Empowerment of women involves economic opportunity, social equality, and personal rights. Women in our rural society are deprived of these human rights, often as a matter of tradition. They are generally not perceived to have any meaningful income generation capacity and are relegated mainly to household duties and cheap labor. Without the power to work and earn a good income, their voices are silenced. Even in matters of sex and child bearing, women often do not have the ability to oppose the wishes of their men.
In a society where men control the destiny of women, this particular young woman seemd to have the vision of a better future. And to me, at least, her determined look says a lot!
U can see few of her forced duties ?behind? her? a dried up well, a bucket to fetch water and wash cloths, a box to put cloths in, and some utensils to wash! She?s looking ahead? in the direction of light? and ?out of the box?, as if contemplating freedom from this abuse!
I don?t know if I?m able to convey the message effectively through the picture or the words? but this is how I see it! Please let me know what do u ?see?? Would really appreciate your comments and feedback.
Thanks and Best regards
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There are 51 Comments in 1 Pages
Sylvia Marriott Sylvia Marriott   {K:12812} 3/30/2007
Hi Humayun,
What a powerful photo, I love the unframed side of the photo it looks like she is about to step 'out of the box' so you have conveyed your message well.
Very well done indeed!


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 3/24/2007
Beautiful shot and beautiful about !!!
Hope you would post more images of this subject !!!
Strong message and strong idea ... do not stop with this !!! Please !!!
7 +++


Iman Fouad Iman Fouad   {K:12295} 3/24/2007
Interesting shot Humayun, i like your way to think and expressing by photos, hope with you for more humanity for women.


p p p p   {K:1765} 3/8/2007
This image is wonderful, great shot!


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 8/30/2006
This is a very good image and way to teach .
We seem to forget how lucky we are just to have simple freedoms, at least I know I do here in America.
I have had the freedom and encouragement to become anything in the world I wanted and the support of my family to do it.... nothing like women in Pakistan.
By showing this picture and explaining the way You have I beleive this is the begining of 'change' and a more healthy , positive future for this young woman and all others in this country. I applaud your work and your writing.

Best wishes to You my friend,
Michele Carlsen~


Brian Fillmore Brian Fillmore   {K:4016} 8/29/2006
Very strong image of this attractive looking Women. Her look is one of vision in which she will hopefully see positive changes in the way she is treated and others of her gender. Changes only happen with people like yourself who expose the way things are...Brian


Harald Felgentreu Harald Felgentreu   {K:2096} 8/28/2006
nice work.......regards harald


Eligiusz Langner  (ennio)    {K:3006} 8/28/2006
nice woman


andree lerat andree lerat   {K:17476} 8/26/2006
I think that you did a splendid job of capturing the dream that she dreams. The incomplete framing leaves the path to freedom accessible. Good work. :) Andree


Jacques Ariala   {K:-798} 8/26/2006
Very beautiful picture !


Ozjan Yeshar Ozjan Yeshar   {K:15239} 10/7/2005
Excellent shot & great utilization of light & contrast! Cheers.


Ciprian Ilie   {K:13571} 10/3/2005
I like your message and the idea behind the shot. Technically it could have been a lot better, but the composition is great.



Mahmoud Baha Sadri Mahmoud Baha Sadri   {K:19634} 10/2/2005
Very well put,both in picture&words.


Sebastian Zachariah Sebastian Zachariah   {K:3382} 8/2/2005
Great concept and well written commentry. The problems and issues are real and it is thoughts that can raise the consciousness and then be acted upon by self as well as many who have been enlightened by that thought. Pictorially... Her looking away - out of the frame is the most interesting aspect. Quality can improve with PS. I would suggest reshoot the concept with a more controlled surrounding and make an artwork of it. Its worth the thought. Sabz


Bryan Steffy Bryan Steffy   {K:4910} 8/1/2005
what a dramatic portrait Humayun.. great job i really like the cropping and the composition...

and the about is really quite is tragic to think that in this modern times that a woman would be treated so... as a man reading this it is extremely frustrating, but as a woman it must be intolerable... i am sadend by this reality.. i can only hope that someday there really will be equality for all people....

thank you for posting this iamge and for bringing this perspective to light... thank you also for commenting on my egg photo...



Marilyn Nagy   {K:6008} 6/18/2005
Wonderful portrait. Very well seen and written about. Now how to change the plight of the pakistani woman. Marillyn


Andy Radford   {K:680} 6/15/2005
I like the way the foreground blends with the background; it balances the photograph nicely. An image like this could easily become too lopsided, but you have just about managed to achieve a sense of equilibrium ? well done :)


bekir yilmaz   {K:51} 6/15/2005
tesekkurler humayun rızwan bu dunyada en kolay yakalanan pozlar huzun ve keder zor bırsey degıl makınanı nereye cevırırsen orda bır kare.


husniye yurtseven husniye yurtseven   {K:333} 6/15/2005
beauty girl.


bekir yilmaz   {K:51} 6/15/2005


Virginia Howard   {K:342} 6/15/2005
Just looking at this photo it conveyed every word you wrote. Very touching, more thought provoking.


BRH BRH   {K:-210} 6/14/2005
wow..... beautiful image.........wonderful compositiong.....well don



Sam Andre Sam Andre   {K:12484} 6/14/2005
Great dramatic power in this picture that ephasizes a very strong statement....


Gorilla  K Gorilla  K   {K:17526} 6/6/2005
...lovely portrait and composition...great work,Humayun!

best regards,


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 6/6/2005
Well seen and well spoken, Humayun.
Kind regards, Chris


Paula Grenside   {K:2811} 6/5/2005
This is absolutely gorgeous. She really looks like walking out of the picture. Wonderful expression on her face.


Justlouck Borman   {K:60} 6/4/2005
Forgot a rating.


Justlouck Borman   {K:60} 6/4/2005
I can fully aprove the words of Laurie Could and Linda Fuentes.
A really subleme idea and picture.


Gerhard BuschEFIAP/AFIAP   {K:18382} 6/4/2005
Felled priced me the formation of the picture. The contrast of brightly and darkly, the woman in the Sari and the background in that it probably live could. Everything is harmonious together-joined. Sincerely Gerhard


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 6/3/2005
great composition. 7


Istvan VARKONYI   {K:3770} 5/29/2005
Nice moment. Good composition and excelent idea the chouse of the frame. Great face.



Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 5/29/2005
This is an absolutely wonderful portrait, illustrating this beautiful young womans attempt to break away from this horrible tradition that she's been forced to live within. I can't even imagine what it must be like, and to have courage at all in the face of such deprivation is in itself a triumph. For me the red is a symbol of her boldness, and a statement of her beautiful spirit fighting to be free. I really like what you did with the frame as well. Change has to have roots and I believe that you planted the seeds with your image and your words. Thank you for sharing this wonderful image, and sad but necessary story with us...:):)Linda


Laurie Gould   {K:11942} 5/28/2005
Fantastic! You captured your message so well in this image. I love that the left side is not framed and that she appears to be looking toward the future. Very well done!


Laszlo Illes Laszlo Illes   {K:2019} 5/27/2005
Stunning capture! Congrats! Best regards, Laci


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 5/27/2005
I noticed this photo when I first opened your portfolio, but was led astray by your "Grand entrance."
I read the "about" with great interest. It showed me that you were not merely a "doctor" but also a socially minded person, who wants to correct social inequality and injustice and I fully support you in that.
I think it was a great photographic idea to leave the left part of the frame of your photo open. Symbolically (Please forgive me if my spelling is incorrect) it shows what you want to achieve for wmomen, an open future.
The woman is very beautiful and as you say in your "about", you managed to capture the determination expressed by her eyes and her upright posture.
I look forward to receiving your e mail and to your reactions after reading the first few chapters of the book. Please note that your inbox has to be capable of receiving 1.02 MB. Otherwise, I'll copy the book on a CD and send it to you. In that case I'll need your mailing address, but you'll still be my guest as to mailing cost.
Best regards,


Hanggan Situmorang Hanggan Situmorang   {K:37833} 5/27/2005
Great sidelight and portrait. I love her intense expression here. Great story and essay, as well. So meaningful and conceptual. Congratulations!


Khaled Mursi Hammoud Khaled Mursi Hammoud   {K:54005} 5/26/2005
Just superb capture Humayun.... I like the traditional dress and the way you didn't complete the fram on the left side is creative.
Excellent work my friend and thanx for the about, regards,


Humayun Rizwan   {K:3235} 5/26/2005
Dear George,
THANKS for the tip. I was not familiar with that technique.. not an expert at PS. I'll defintely keep this in mind next time. I'm sure it'll save me a lot of time too.
This is what I love about this site.. where wonderful artists like you not only comment, praise or critique.. but also give useful suggestions for improvement.
Hope to learn more from you :-)
Thanks and Best regards


Markus Scholz Markus Scholz   {K:23722} 5/26/2005
What great topic and great realization, Humayun. Thanks for your words.

Regards, Markus


George Black George Black   {K:102014} 5/26/2005
This is a wonderful portrait of a beautiful woman and excellent commentary. The open frame on the left is eloquent and effective.

Following Saqib's suggestion, I recommend also the File>Save for Web technique. If you are unfamiliar with it, choose the Image Size once the image opens; I then put 800 in the larger dimension and then choose Apply. The Quality percentile slider choice shows the file size on the lower left of the image. When you get it to the size required (< 360), choose save with a new name, and it's done--a jpeg that's just right.

Forgive this long explanation, but this technique has saved me much time and frustration.

Best regards,

Thanks for looking at and commenting on my recent posting. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work.


Nino Z-S   {K:1489} 5/26/2005
Bella foto che, anche se non perfetta, rende bene il tema. Intensa l'espressione della ragazza


Art A   {K:1187} 5/26/2005
Although, I do not see this in my everyday life, I am aware of what's happening. I look at this a a picture of hope. Thanks for sharing. Regards, Art


Asim Roy Asim Roy   {K:10051} 5/26/2005
Nice colour tone, lovely composition, very touchy practical fact, we have to accept it and promise to bringh the light of their life, the same story is also implemented to my "Natural Beauty" love, asim


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 5/26/2005
excellent photo.. great perspective and angle.. the composition is perfect.. the colors are very vibrant and strong and really add to the overall mood of the image.. nicely seen and captured... great work


C.A.  Mikulice C.A.  Mikulice   {K:13300} 5/25/2005
Excellent, Humayun-- your portrait of this young woman is very good. It fits your commentary very well-- she is turning her back on that that is traditionally required of her. Since the objects behind her are so small, they are a bit difficult to see what they are. Perhaps if there were other women in the photo using the utensils it would be a little more clear.

Social change is never easy, and depicting the need for it in art is hard, but you've done a good job with it here. Thank you for doing so.



Ferdinand    {K:3516} 5/25/2005
The theme of the photo as explained by you is extremely well reflected in the image itself - beautful and very appropriate!


Humayun Rizwan   {K:3235} 5/25/2005
Thanks Saqib, I agree the quality is not that good. Actually it was taken from quite a distance and I cropped the major portion in front of her. but for me it's the theme thats more important and if It's "visible" then I'm satified. No.. I don't save it as web in photoshop.. but as JPG. Any more suggetions from you would be more than welcome as I believe in learning all the time. Thanks once again


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 5/25/2005
A strong message and a strong idea. I know and love Pakistan but the problems you highlight are very real and very serious. I appreciate your enlightened approach and would encourage you to pursue this through more images. In this sort of situation, I believe that any publicity is good publicity.

Many thanks for your kind comment on my Moroccan cats...



Saqib Zulfiqar   {K:2745} 5/25/2005
Very though provoking Rizwan and you conveyed your concept quite effectively with this shot. Its high time we put an end to this implicit slavery.

Technically, I only wished that the shot had better digital quality. Do you save as web in photoshop? By the way I find it interesting that the direction she is looking at does not have a frame border. :) Well done.
Best Wishes,


Ehdae  (Abullha AL Hazza)   {K:4725} 5/25/2005
excellent portrait.. congrats..


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 5/24/2005
Lovely soft tones and striking beauty captured.




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