Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 9/22/2005
spectacular clarity. love the colors.
{K:30945} 7/28/2005
wonderful focus on the flower! love it! B:l:ana
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 7/24/2005
Hi Doruk, There isn't any digital manipulation here... the only thing it went into PS for was to match the colour to the slide and sharpen it. It's just the use of small DOF and a flower that stuck out about a foot higher than the rest. Thanks for taking a look!
Doruk Demircioglu
{K:496} 7/24/2005
The colours are very nice and the DOF is very strong. It made me think that there's a digital manipulation here.
Carolyn Wiesbrock
{K:14051} 6/10/2005
Beautiful color and composition..the petals look like red velvet!
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 6/9/2005
stuning tones. 7
Cheryl Ogle
{K:24494} 6/7/2005
Kim - what a cool picture. Great DOF on this, gives it some real pop! That color is splendid - great shot. Love this.
Martin Mora
{K:4666} 6/6/2005
hi Kim, so nice to hear from you again, wow this photo really catchs ones eye, and says "Look at Me"! i think its the colors, such a stark contrast from the one in font to the backgrond,,well done , love it, thansk for the comments on the artist photo, yes the DoF is PS work, the studio in which it was taken was pretty small, not alot of room to work with a stronger focal length, and gain that kind of dof, bt im happy withit, iv always wanted to do a portrait of an artist :) i havnt been out shooting at al as i shold be, just some portraits of people, guess i should post more, but they dont draw alot of intrest :), anyways beautiful job, i been away to long, I have alot of catching up to do on all my friends portfolios .
Len Webster
{K:25714} 6/3/2005
It stands out beautifully from the background.
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 5/27/2005
Beautiful colors Kim..wonderful use of complementary colors, and minimal dof.. I agree with Dirck on the velvety appearance and richness in color, very soft and wonderful..and I think muting or even maybe cropping out some of those really bright flowers in the background is also a good idea. I love the blurred background, they're one of my favorites, and I think you have a beautiful composition here, but the brighter flowers are calling my eye away from it...hugs...:):)Linda
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 5/26/2005
It does look like it is suspended in mid-air. Dirck makes a good comment about the brighness of the background flowers. Great color - you must go through a lot of velvia :-)
Dirck DuFlon
{K:35779} 5/23/2005
The petals on this flower look like velvet - what an amazingly rich color! Like Joe mentioned, it looks like it's just suspended in mid-air, which gives the whole thing a very three-dimensional look. I'll bet this looks amazing projected on a screen! I kind of wish the foreground flower were a little brighter to match the brightness of those in the background, or that the BG ones were a little more muted...
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 5/21/2005
I love how it pops out, the color is amazing and your use of dof perfect for this shot. Alison
Joe Plocki
{K:779} 5/21/2005
The colors are very rich and vivid, even on my failing dark monitor. I think it's well composed, and the depth of field is awesome... I can't even see the stem, yet the whole head of the flower appears to be in focus. It's like this big, pretty, red and yellow flower is just floating there... Well done!
Alessio Vicini
{K:161} 5/21/2005
Colors are great!