This is my 5 yr old son. He has an unusual outlook on life! Played around in photoshop a little for this one. Started with blown highlights around the arm and too much shadow on his face. All in all a fantastic job of getting it wrong in camera on my part! :) Oh well at least PS has left me with something. The more I look at this the more I like it but I'd appreciate critique on this one because at the end of the day I'm still very much a learner. Thanks.
Nicely done. If you want to make it pop with a little more color. Push the saturation to +11 under Image>Hue/Saturation and then the contrast push between 0 and 22 under Image>Brightness/Contrast. To sharpen go to Filters>Sharpen>Unsharpen set to 100, 1.0 and 0.