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I Saw Her Again
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Image Title:  I Saw Her Again
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 By: Tim Long  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Tim Long  Tim Long {Karma:9228}
Project #42 Moody Landscape Camera Model Minolta Dimage 7
Categories Portrait
From The Field
Film Format
Portfolio Photoart
Lens on-camera
Uploaded 5/3/2005 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 16
Views 641 Shutter 1/30
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 21 Rating
/ 0 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - United States   United States
About Perhaps the start of a new series... Thanks for looking and for leaving your comments. I sincerely appreciate the feedback, especially thoughtful critique.
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There are 21 Comments in 1 Pages
Christopher Grant   {K:405} 11/25/2005
When I initially thumbed through your gallery, this was my first stop. A real nice moment that devloped into a dream from the choices you made. Jelaous! I believe the contrast is fine and perhaps my only thoughts for improvement would be a different crop along the right side of the photo, but that's just me!


Patrick Cowley   {K:2095} 11/5/2005
this kind of reminds me of a Van Gogh, moody, rich with passion, the pastoral setting, the worker in the field. Well, there is a definate contrast between the ocean like field which seems to protect and nurture the lady, while the old house seems to be a place where she once lived...this is a lovely scene...i too think of the ghost that live among us...lovely would be great to have a huge photo of this for my future home when I am a grown man.


jan thomassen   {K:243} 10/29/2005
Ohh great image and really scary - the person looks like a ghost! Haunting image!


Kathy Hillard Kathy Hillard   {K:25721} 10/27/2005
I LOVE this image, Tim! All kinds of questions start running around in my head when I look at it, and what can make for a better image than that? Great tones and composition!
You have a really nice portfolio!


KEVIN TEMPLE   {K:8657} 10/27/2005
classic tim well done (almost infrared


Neil Dolman   {K:26883} 8/31/2005
Hi Tim, many thanks for all your comments.

Sorry it has taken me a while to get around to visiting your portfolio :( I see now what i have been missing! You have been producing some great work, my compliments. This one in particular is very creative i find. Beautiful toning, and the ghost effect WOW! What a great idea for a series! Kind of eerie. Hope you don't really dream like this :)

Nice job.

Best wishes


Mari Mar   {K:11469} 8/23/2005
Wonderful, I like the ghost effect, good thinking, Tim, unique!


Mohammad Reza Shahrokhi Nejad   {K:7396} 8/15/2005
I like it.
sorry,my english is poor!
tanx for your comments.
if you to know some Iranian in US,question from them "DAMET GARM" what's the meaning?


John Lamb   {K:9687} 8/13/2005
This could be a scene from a Hitchcock or a Polanski film. I don't mind the fence infact I think it divides the frame quite well. A physical seperation from reality and the slightly bizzar world on the other side.

It's the vision that's important not the technique. Regards John


Mark Beltran   {K:32612} 5/3/2005
You're right, it is rather Dianesque. Hard to do without a Diana; I couldn't, but you pulled it off.


Tim Long Tim Long   {K:9228} 5/3/2005
I did add the woman in, Jonathan, and you're right on with the strangeness of the proportions. A little unreal, but not too obviously. I'm glad it worked! Thanks for commenting.


Tim Long Tim Long   {K:9228} 5/3/2005
Apparition! Just the word I was looking for! I did add the woman in as a separate layer, and actually kind of like the not-quite-rightness of the proportions. As with apparitions, there is a sense of unreality here that I think works for the "ghostly gardener." Thanks so much for your comment.


John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 5/3/2005
Tim, After reading other comments I think the thing I wanted to say the most and didn't, was the seperation of the fence and woman in the field.Grant mentioned it and I went....YES! Thats it! Just wanted to let You know! take care Tim! My best...............John
Love the photo!


Delete My Account Delete My Account   {K:-1391} 5/3/2005
Overall, it's a nice image, but is that woman photshopped in or was this a straight picture? She seems to be a little too small for where she is in the scene when compared with the placement of the other subjects.


*** ***   {K:2147} 5/3/2005
The house looks abandoned, the landscape empty -- the figure with the mower might be an apparition. At first sight I wanted that figure OUT of there! But I was wrong. Ghostly, asking more questions than giving answers, this image grew on me.

I'd rather the house had been farther away, a little counterpoint in the corner to a huge expanse of empty land being subdued by that ghostly gardener. But perhaps not -- second guessing is so easy. A little more separation between the figure and the fence in the foreground? Maybe.

At any rate, it's got a somber quality that I like, an eerieness that beckons. The color of the field is great, and the texture. I like this image a bunch.


Tim Long Tim Long   {K:9228} 5/3/2005
Thanks, Mark, you're too kind! I will experiment with other tones when I have time. I started with a warm orange-red (from the red IR filter), but felt a drier, cooler tone might work better. Incidentally, I think there is a sort of Dianesque feel to this image. I'm glad you like it.


Tim Long Tim Long   {K:9228} 5/3/2005
Thanks for your comment, Richard. The grass color is courtesy of infrared, and I thought its frostiness appropriate as the woman is leaning into an old manual push-mower while clothed in a thread-bare winter coat and rubber boots. I will post a closeup of the house when I can. I need to re-up as a donor as I am back online and have lots of new images!


Tim Long Tim Long   {K:9228} 5/3/2005
Thanks for your comments, John. I was after a ghostly feel with the softness and proportion of the figure in front of a long-abandoned farmhouse, as though the viewer were driving by a familiar landmark and saw something that shouldn't have been there (actually an old woman, but could be a child). I think that I agree about the fence and may try cropping the bottom to adjust. I tried leaving more of the sky in the frame but found that it did not really contribute anything, at least to me, and threw off the overall composition. I appreciate your high-quality nitpicking, John. Keep it coming!


Mark Beltran   {K:32612} 5/3/2005
And what a fine start to a new series in a still-new year. Your proportions are flawless. A seven if ratings were applied. I like the sepia, but am curious as to how it would look in a slight blue tone, or warm tone.


Richard Dakin   {K:12915} 5/3/2005
What a beautiful structure! I really like the composition, especially the diagonal created by the fence. I am baffled by the colour of the grass ..... maybe playing with levels in Photoshop would help. It's not frost is it???? And what is that woman doing???? Looking forward to more in this series, hope you have some close-ups of the house.


John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 5/3/2005
Hi Tim, This is a real interesting photo. I like the tones alot but think there could be a touch more contrast.The girl almost gets lost in the field. I kind of wish the fence were a little closer to the bottom right. Maybe the house could be a bit to the right also!OK, I'm being nitpicky but You asked for honest critique!The sky is very dramatic also and I suppose I would like to see a little more of it! Overall It's a really nice photo and the things I mentioned are only suggestions and maybe aren't any better than what You have! Well done Tim! My best................john




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