Tobiah Deutsch
{K:2432} 5/12/2006
Thanks a bunch for looking! Yeah.. I've been getting some really odd stuff lately. Not sure why. My lighting techniques lends alot of (forgive me for saying this) "unknowledgeable photogs" to believe that I'm just really good at photoshop. The truth is that I'm work hard to get my flashes synced up and powered up just right and in the right places to make things look dynamic and "pop". If you like what I'm doing... check out the community at www.agroism.com. There is a whole army of guys doing (somewhat) the same thing. Some better than others, but there is a whole action sports movement.
Cheers, Toby
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 5/12/2006
I think Koray assumed this was photo art, with the image of the bike pulled in from somewhere else. As a real-life photo of something that actually happened it's amazing. Hey, maybe he wasn't a trespasser, but was just taking a short cut home? I'm surprised that 1/250th could freeze the action (though I suppose it could have been excellent timing when motion was at its slowest). And depth of focus is pretty good for the aperture you used. I must admit I thought it was photo art, too, until I read your comment. By the way, you have had some really odd comments, haven't you? I very rarely rate comments but I had to use the "Abuse" on one just now. Who needs that kind of negativity?
Davide Anzalone
{K:1375} 4/27/2006
I'm not used to comment in a sarcastic way other people's pictures -especially in a negative meaning!- cos i think that each artist has the freedom to do what he feels. This will produce a huge idea-pool for all those people who look for more and more creative inputs! [like i do]
!no problema! ;D
Tobiah Deutsch
{K:2432} 4/27/2006
Thanks! I've received some really scarcastic/cynical comments lately. Wasn't sure where you were going with things.
Thanks for clarifying! :)
Best Regards, Tobiah
Davide Anzalone
{K:1375} 4/27/2006
I Really Like The Picture, Tobiah!! I liked the contrast between what's "written" and what the rider does...maybe i was not able to express that in a good way, but there's nothing i don't like! it's just amazing!! congrats
Tobiah Deutsch
{K:2432} 4/27/2006
Not sure what you're trying to get at here. Yes, the sign said no tresspassing, but do you not like the photo? Do you not like the exposure or the lighting or the composition? Or do you just not like the fact that we're being hooligans here? I just framed in the sign becuase I found it ironic and a good juxtaposition.
Thanks for looking.
Cheers, Toby
Davide Anzalone
{K:1375} 4/23/2006
oh gosh...it's so cool!!! let's do what's forbidden!!
Tobiah Deutsch
{K:2432} 5/13/2005
Thanks a bunch. It's nice to see you on the Usefilm site... I'll get over to look at your images one of these days.
I'm not much of a bike guy either, but I love taking these action photos. Skateboarding, rollerbooting, biking, snowshreding... whatever. If I can take this persons efforts and make it feel like it was hard to do, or that it was creative, or that no one else might be able to do it. It makes me feel like I've helped them validate their efforts. They have something tangible, not just a story of how so-and-so did some impossible trick, but something to hold onto and for others to look at. There is no other feeling in the world that might match hucking yourself down sets of stairs or over fences time and time and time again for sometimes HOURS for that ONE time when everything is perfect. I want to catch that emotion, that feeling, the perfection.
Cheers, Toby
Nikki M
{K:290} 5/13/2005
i really like the angle of this piece. i'm not fond of bikes but this is a great photo!
Tobiah Deutsch
{K:2432} 4/21/2005
Perfect Photoshop? I adusted the the curves and that was about it. I'm gonna give myself a pat on the back for exposure and timing.
Koray Erdemir
{K:518} 4/21/2005
perfect photoshop :))) bye
C.A. Mikulice
{K:13300} 4/21/2005
Nice catch, Tobiah. Pulls together nicely, the no tresspassing sign, the fence, the flying bike.. total disregard for the law, I'm shocked ;) ! very sharp composition.