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Northwinds B+W.
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Image Title:  Northwinds B+W.
Favorites: 0 
 By: Richard Dakin  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Richard Dakin {Karma:12915}
Project #42 Moody Landscape Camera Model Nikon D70
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio B+W Images
Lens Nikon  18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED AF-S DX
Uploaded 3/11/2005 Film / Memory Type Sandisk
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 439 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f/16
Critiques 22 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Collingwood
State -  ONTARIO
Country - Canada   Canada
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There are 22 Comments in 1 Pages
Richard Dakin   {K:12915} 3/23/2005
Okay, now I get it. Thanks Audra. This is a little bit different than I am used to.
Because I generally shot with B+W film (before the D70)I adjusted contrast with filters on the lens. That way I only needed to play with levels to get the right balance of greys, blacks and whites. Lastly I would use the burn tool to increase the contrast and darken specific parts of the clouds. Using the lasso tool and the feather option is something worth taking the time to learn. It means I can now adjust the contrast in specific parts of the image as well as the image as a whole. It seems digital is different from film in subtle ways. I really like my D70, but there will be times when my F80 and the appropriate B+W film will be my tool of choice. Thanks again for your help, it is great to know such an enthusiastic artist.


audra  erin audra  erin   {K:3837} 3/23/2005
This is how you would go about it in Elements 2. I use the lasso just the sky.(went along the horizon and around the top so just the sky is selected) Then I go to " select" in the pull down menus at the top. in the "select" menu there is an option to "feather" what feathering does (in a nutshell) is take away the hard edge so that whatever you do to the selected area will blend with the rest of the image. I feathered by 20 pixels.
Go to Enhance..adjust brightness/contrast. It's a little different in 7... plus I use shortkeys to do most of this but. If you were to do what I did in Elements..thats how it would go.


Richard Dakin   {K:12915} 3/23/2005
Thanks Audra. The only thing I don't have is "Curves", but I can make those changes with "Levels" right??? I am not sure what you mean by "selected the sky and feathered by 20" though. What did you use to select the sky??? I might actually have to read one of the guide books!!!!!! Yuck! The way we must suffer for our Art!!!!!!!


audra  erin audra  erin   {K:3837} 3/23/2005
No I'm working in Photoshop 7.. but I have Elements 2 and you can do the things I've described in Elements..before I got 7 Elements was all I had.


Richard Dakin   {K:12915} 3/22/2005
Thanks Reza.


Reza Fakhrai   {K:3014} 3/22/2005
wonderfully moody shot, Richard. Nice conversion to B&W.


Richard Dakin   {K:12915} 3/22/2005
You are NOT working with Elements 2 are you. I think I can do some of that stuff, but I need to work on it.


audra  erin audra  erin   {K:3837} 3/22/2005
I selected the sky, feathered by 20 and just used brightness/ fancy stuff.Well
I burned the land near the horizon a bit to
off-set the sky...and bring out texture.


Richard Dakin   {K:12915} 3/22/2005
Yes Audra, it looks very good. I thought I was the master of moody B+W skies. Did you use curves to do this as well. I usually use the burn tool, examples are hidden deep in my portfolio. I think Northwinds Beach #52 is one.


audra  erin audra  erin   {K:3837} 3/22/2005
Powerful in Black & White Richard.. I would, however, like to see the sky a bit more contrasty...pop the clouds out a little. Here..check it out....looks good yes..?


Richard Dakin   {K:12915} 3/12/2005
Yes Maria, although I prefer B+W for most of my work, I think colour suits blue skies and snow very well.


Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 3/12/2005
I like more in color Richard ;-)
But it is a great snowscape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Richard Dakin   {K:12915} 3/12/2005
Thanks Fadel. You know I never thought of that. When I resize for transfer, I always choose the smallest side and make it 400 pixels. Maybe I need to consider my sizing choices for each image.


Fadel J Fadel J   {K:13974} 3/12/2005
Very strongly composed and toned Richard!! but why did you upload it in small size, I think it will have more impact if it is filling the screen.


Richard Dakin   {K:12915} 3/11/2005
Thanks Gustav.


Richard Dakin   {K:12915} 3/11/2005
Thanks Em.


emily savva   {K:21113} 3/11/2005
your conversion into b/w is superb Richard!!!! i mean the pic is great on its own... almost abstract and very well balanced between earth and sky... but, the b/w adds a whole new dynamique to it! congrats... emy :)


Gustav Miller   {K:309} 3/11/2005
Excellent B/W landscape image. Very impressive tones. I like it very much.


Richard Dakin   {K:12915} 3/11/2005
Thanks Leah.


Leah Kahn   {K:878} 3/11/2005
great composition, very nice image :-)


Richard Dakin   {K:12915} 3/11/2005
Thanks Shabbir, I value your opinion. I am experimenting with B+W conersions of my digital shots. I usually shoot B+W film, although I have really enjoyed exploring colour with the D70.


SHABBIR AHMED   {K:1171} 3/11/2005
Nice picture, but I liked the coloured ones more appealing.




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