Anouschka Rokebrand
{K:6470} 9/29/2004
Wonderful shot. Beautiful toning and great composition!
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 9/6/2004
Excellent composition and very nice B&W contrast! Greetings.
emily savva
{K:21113} 9/6/2004
oh... dear Richard... why this dark period??? yes, it was quite a long time since we last saw your work... i missed your postings... and this B/W is certainly another great one of yours... you know the other day i went to an exibition in a place called Gazi in Athens and i thought that you would love that place... I?ll take some pics to send to you (but i am not good in architecture photos... :-D) just to cheer you up... smile my friend....your inspiration is near... just look for it... kisses.. emy
Richard Dakin
{K:12915} 9/5/2004
Thanks Pia, I appreciate your help. The quality of your work speaks volumes of your skill.
Richard Dakin
{K:12915} 9/5/2004
Thanks Tony your comments are always appreciated.
Richard Dakin
{K:12915} 9/5/2004
Hi Rebecca. I'm going through a bit of a dark period and really have not produced anything of interest. I think this shot is too much like the others, but I wanted to post something.... anything! Anyway I'm looking forward to the gloomy fall weather and hope to have some better work to share soon.
PK- Photos
{K:13099} 9/5/2004
Hello Richard, thanks for all your comments:) about portraits: i am no expert, but I don't use a special light for taken a portrait outside, its better when its cloudy, when the sun comes out its always overexposed. But you can also use an extra light with diffusor and reflector for the face because of the shadow.... Nice Sunday, *Pia*
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 9/5/2004
Another great black and white of this place. I haven't seen you posting lately. I've missed your posts. Great to see you back.
Tony Diana
{K:13396} 9/5/2004
Estupendo equilibrio de tonos B&W, le felicito