Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 1/9/2005
Lovely expression! He looks like he is upset because he didn't get an icecream! ;-)
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 1/6/2005
Perfect title for this portrait!!!! Margaret
{K:26787} 1/5/2005
Beautiful eyes - love his expression; looks so natural! Good crop!
Nikolai Glinkin
{K:369} 1/4/2005
Very strong look! And look is what makes a portrait! Spasibo za pozdravlenija, Lenochka! S Rozhdestvom Hristovym! Broste pls svoi e-mail mne na exxess@yandex.ru - ne lublu pisat latinitsoy :)
Günter Koth
{K:13841} 1/2/2005
Wonderful. Professional portrait with a very nice expression. Regards and bes wishes for the new year. Günter
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 1/2/2005
Very nice portrait Lena,amazing look,this boy is so sweet Many thanks dear friend for commenting "Fast recovery " My best wishes for 2005 !!!
Andrei Kislov
{K:4041} 12/31/2004
Wonderful portrait of the boy with a very strong man character:-). Lena, you do so professional captures of the children. Prosto molodec! Est' chemu u tebya pouchit'sya... S Novym godom! S novym schat'em! Pust' u tebya vse vsegda poluchaetsya, sbyvautsya vse tvoi zjelaniya! Xoroshego nastroeniya i spokoistviya v dushe! _Andrei_
Roberto Carli
{K:13689} 12/30/2004
Nice portrait,seperb green eyes,well captured,congrats!!! Best wishes.
Maya Bylina
{K:5925} 12/30/2004
A very charming photo! Lena spasibo za kommentarii. S Novym Godom! Schast'ja, uspehov, zdorovja! Maya
Rob Ernsting
{K:8899} 12/30/2004
He does not look amused at all, he takes it as offensive to capture his portrait. Very nice expression wise. Happy New Year to you.
Elena Zabelina
{K:23212} 12/30/2004
Markus, your granddaughter is right, sure it's boy with a very strong man character. Thanks, Lena
Markus Scholz
{K:23722} 12/30/2004
Boy or girl? My granddaughter says boy, I think it's a girl. Anyway it's a very impressing shot.