Walt McNeil
{K:2146} 12/19/2004
Thanks for your comments, Bruce. I appreciate it.
Bruce Wallace
{K:668} 12/18/2004
Great shot. Bruce
Walt McNeil
{K:2146} 12/18/2004
Thanks again. As I recall, it was a beautiful sunlit day, although there was lots of snow and ice. I was just lucky to think of this.
Mark Kresl
{K:9434} 12/18/2004
Excellent, Walt. Well lit with great detail. I'm getting cold just looking at it.
Walt McNeil
{K:2146} 12/17/2004
Thanks; this is okay during the summer, but it's in winter, withthe ice and snow, that brings forth all the natural beauty.
Patrick Ziegler
{K:21797} 12/17/2004
Cool shot Walt! I bet it is an interesting place in the summer time to photo too.
Walt McNeil
{K:2146} 12/17/2004
Thanks for your comments. I like to go out in the country to find beautiful pictures.
Walt McNeil
{K:2146} 12/17/2004
Thanks for your comments. This was long ago; haven't found anything quite like it since.
Steve Tomkinson
{K:3243} 12/17/2004
Fscinating image, Walt. Thanks for sharing!
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 12/17/2004
simply gorgeous.
{K:4565} 12/17/2004