Ive had this for my wallpaper off and on for about a year. I dont know why I havent posted it before now. Hope you like it. I do believe its my favorite, of course with the exception to Abby, our dog. I know that I could have cropped away a lot of the water, but I really felt thats what gives it the flavor, if you know what I mean.
Thanks, I will have to check into that. I am a little new to the software (PS in particular) and have been playing with them a little, but find them to be about as tricky as handling snakes, lol. But thank you.
Les - this is really a good image. The boat/ship? is well placed in the image. While usually a 50/50 sea/sky composition is not good, the close tones work well here. Besides, the wake serves to do the seperation for you. Sailing forth into the unknown is a good metaphor. You might lookinto filtering software such as "neat image" to smooth the sky and reduce noise. Good job - JB
Thank you, both. I decided not to crop out the water because I liked the openness of it all. That is something that being on the ocean gives in abundance, that you cant truly conceive in a single photograph.