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Zeek's Landing
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Image Title:  Zeek's Landing
Favorites: 2 
 By: Ingrid Mathews  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Ingrid Mathews {Karma:7277}
Project #48 Best Picture of 2004 Camera Model Casio
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Landscape
Lens Canon
Uploaded 12/6/2004 Film / Memory Type CF
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 747 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 22 Rating
/ 8 Ratings
Location City -  Jamestown
Country - United States   United States
About I feel this is "one" of my best images of 2004 because I love the mood and lighting I captured as well as it having been the perfect ending to a perfect day. I submitted a vertical rendition a while back, but I like the horizontal as well, if not more.
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There are 22 Comments in 1 Pages
* James * * James *   {K:20200} 10/5/2005
i dont really like photos taken in portrait mode, unless they're actual portraits. this landscape version is nice. the colour really is great. well done ~ james


Ingrid Mathews   {K:7277} 3/25/2005
Brian, I feel very honored by your kind words. If you would like, I would be happy to send you a copy of this image as a way of thanks for your thoughtful writing. E-mail me your address and I shall send it out. Thank you again.


Brian McGaffic   {K:46} 3/25/2005
No, Ingrid, thank you, for the inspiration to me. It is indeed a first. I have been moved before to write; a song, a summer evening, my girl.
Never before have I been so inspired by a photograph. It was the spark that kindled these words within me, and I had a fuel for them already. Without your photograph, or my Elisabeth, those words would never have been written. Perhaps not even thought.
Thank you again, and I do so love your work.
You make magic happen, you are blessed with a gift.
Thank you.


Ingrid Mathews   {K:7277} 3/24/2005
Thank you Brian for your poetically beautiful words. This is a first. What a way to start my day. You are truly an inspiration for my continued artistic vision. Thank you again.


Brian McGaffic   {K:46} 3/24/2005
Tonight I saw this picture. A picture is such a simple thing, but it takes a true artist as a photographer to capture true beauty and inspire the mind. This picture, along with my true love, inspired the artist writer within me to pick up my pen and write. Not a story of truth or past, but a story of love from my soul, a story of someday hopefully not so long from now. The story is written, and for the night, I relinquish my pen, for I have exhausted it's fruitfulness.]

The light began to fade, as outside the daylight world was waning. We only had the candles on the tarnished silver holder in between us now, and they were gradually taking over for the diffused light from the window. There was no breeze that night, even slight, but the scent of summer lilac was thick in the air, almost dizzying.

"Come on," you said, reaching across the white linen draped table and gently taking my hand in yours, softly caressing it. "I have something to show you..."
"What is it, love?" I asked, but you merely replied:
"It's a secret," and you shushed me with a sly wink. Was it the candle light dancing devilishly in your eyes as you did? Or was it a fire from within?
"Bring the wine," you said, almost as an afterthought, and I grabbed the bottle from the table, and we left the glasses behind.

You led me to the front door of our little rented cottage, tugging like some child in an amusement park. Not knowing why, I sped up anyway to match your pace.
At the top of the steps on the old wooden porch, you stopped to kick off your sandals, and again, I followed your lead. You looked at me again, and this time I could see the fire plainly in your eyes, how they twinkled at me with love, and joy, and laughter of your 'secret'. You grabbed me with both hands behind my neck and pulled me to you, kissing me softly and deeply, the taste of the sweet wine still on your lips. You pulled away and looked into my eyes again. A brief and playful nod to follow you, and then you turned and raced from the porch and into the dew-slicked grass.

The sky was clear, but hazy at the horizon, and took on bright pink tones, as the day gave way to evening. You were in that white sundress you loved so much, and suddenly I knew why, as I saw it catch fire reflecting the colours of the sky. We said nothing, only giggling like children as you half ran through the field, repeatedly looking up at me and smiling. Smiling not only with your mouth, and your eyes, but with the energy aura that is always about you. You had your beautiful long hair worn up, and some of it was starting to slip and cascade beautifully over your shoulder. Soon you had led me down to the marsh, and along the edge of the little canal to a small white boat. Empty, and just big enough for two.

It was old, like the cottage, and the whitewash paint was flaking here and there. It sat there quietly, as if waiting its entire existance for this one moment in time with us. You looked at me again and smiled full, and as I smiled back, a single tear escaped your glowing eyes and rolled tenderly down your soft cheek, the horizon illuminating it. I kissed you softly there, tasting the light refreshing saltiness of it, and then picked you up and gently placed you in the boat, which barely rocked from your presence, as if assuring us of its fortitude. I climbed in and found a single oar laying neatly at its bottom.

The twilight had found us, and the sky turned from magenta to cobalt, and deep royal blue. We pushed off and I navigated the canal until it opened up before us into the tranquility of the glasslike pond. A few early stars twinkled on, and the fireflies winked up at them. The quiet calm stillness of the evening enveloped us, as I put the oar away, and we floated there, beneath the sky, and I handed you the bottle. You pulled yourself in tightly next to me, and tucked your face against my neck, kissing me softly. My arms found you, and just as naturally as our surroundings.

We watched the light fade together, replaced by a crescent moon and a billion stars, there on that ancient boat, on those timeless waters that summer evening.
It was the night I reached into my pocket, and withdrew a shining ring, a ring meant only for you, and slipped it on your finger.

"I will love you and no other, for all of my days," I whispered, and you cried, and held me so tightly, so close, but never close enough, for either of us.
"And I, you," you replied, "And I, you."


Romy Fabian Garmaz   {K:17105} 3/2/2005
Very nice shot of a excellent personal portfolio.
Greetings from Argentina


Robert Lloyd   {K:9943} 1/23/2005
lovely image iam glad i took a look at you other work there lovely but i like landscape rather than in portrait format as i like to view it on a bigger screen such as widescreen tv its much better for viewing them. best wishes ...... robert lloyd


Peggy Christine Skinner Peggy Christine Skinner   {K:26936} 12/16/2004
Simply stunning. The boat is bathed in gorgeous moody blues with the colour tapering off to more delicate hues. The deep blue adds this optical illusion to the water at the right. Superb pick for the project.


Peter De Rycke Peter De Rycke   {K:41212} 12/14/2004
Gorgeous blue in this shot.. Peter


Bill Krul   {K:5597} 12/14/2004
I agree this is one of your many "bests".


Chris Hunter Chris Hunter   {K:25634} 12/7/2004
Hi Ingrid, this one has always stood out to me from the great shots in your portfolio. A great choice for this project!!

BTW, the electric yet subtle glow is what really drew me to this shot, as well as the feeling of loneliness and seculsion of the boat.



K Blair   {K:1589} 12/7/2004
This is beautiful. Wonderful job. k


Fadel J Fadel J   {K:13974} 12/7/2004
It's wonderful indeed Ingrid, the color gradient is amazing. I bet this was a very tough choice :)


Ingrid Mathews   {K:7277} 12/7/2004
Thanks for your comment Alison. I didn't use any filter. The light just had that magical glow. I framed and leveled in PS.


Alison DuFlon Alison DuFlon   {K:36566} 12/6/2004
It is absolutely beautiful Ingrid, what type of a filter do you use, if any?. Amazing colors and the water has such a perfect glass look to it. Alison


S.D Holmes S.D Holmes   {K:7156} 12/6/2004
beautiufl hues in this capture and a lovely comosition!!


Lukasz Kuczkowski Lukasz Kuczkowski   {K:14687} 12/6/2004
love the colors of the boat here;
moody atnmosphere; great shot


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 12/6/2004
Great photo... definitely can see why you think it is your best.. love the blue tint.. great work


Barry Wakelin   {K:7838} 12/6/2004
Very beautiful. Great colours and light complemented with a great composition!


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 12/6/2004
Bellos azules y gran calma.
Me gusta!


Anurag Sahay   {K:1043} 12/6/2004
It is not difficult to see why you feel so good about this one. Magical !
regards, anurag.


Miguel Andrade   {K:5463} 12/6/2004
Fantastic work... I can see why you feel that this is one of your best images. EXCELLENT! 7+++++++ regards from Portugal




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