Walt McNeil
{K:2146} 12/6/2004
The problem with shooting Christmas lights, and neon lights, is exposure control. It's necessary to get close, or get a spotmeter reading, so that the lights stand out, but then just bracket.
If one exposes for the dark areasm then the lights become too bright; if one exposes for the lights, then the surrounding areas are darker. Trying to find a happy medium is, as you say, a pain, sometimes.
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 12/6/2004
Will look forward to seeing the xmas lights... although sometimes they can be a pain to capture correctly...
Walt McNeil
{K:2146} 12/6/2004
Thanks for your remarks. This almost the way it actually is. The lights are a bit yellowish, maybe due to the film, which was Velvia 100, I think. But the whole area is well lighted, and quite attractive; patrolled by police so no danger of being bothered.
In the winter, Christmas lights are added so I hope to go back and get a view of the same place that may look different.
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 12/6/2004
nice night scene.... like the lighting
Walt McNeil
{K:2146} 12/5/2004
Doing my favorite thing, photography at nite in the city.
Thanks for your comments.
Heath Bennett
{K:4429} 12/5/2004
Nice warm cityscape Walt. This is a welcoming photo.