Walt McNeil
{K:2146} 12/16/2004
Thanks for your tip; I'll try that soon and repost it. I notice also that you have a lot of nice B & W images in your gallery. Many of them arepretty good.
dave thursfield
{K:514} 12/16/2004
Hi Walt, just the right shutter speed here. This would look nice in monochrome, the leaf makes it. Dave.
Walt McNeil
{K:2146} 12/7/2004
Thanks again; it's nice of you to say so.
Walt McNeil
{K:2146} 12/7/2004
Thanks for your nice comments. This was just a natural find; it doesn't come too often.
I hope to usemy D70 more this season. I have been using film cameras for over 20 years, of one sort or another.
In fact, i hope to be using another larger film camera next year, the Pentax 645; I have the body and the lenses, but the body failed, so I have to replace it.
Mark Kresl
{K:9434} 12/7/2004
Walt, you do a great job composing your shots. In this case, the leaf in the foreground really accentuates the movement of the water.
by the way, I love the D70. I never owned a nice 35mm SLR, so this is my first. The more you use it, the more you'll love it.
Ben Mok
{K:4084} 12/7/2004
wow..... very nice! Regards, Ben