Dina Marie
{K:-1410} 2/15/2005
dramatic portrait. beautiful isaac!
Isaac Shaw
{K:2563} 11/22/2004
Thanks Marta,
Been applying the advice you gave and have noted a slight improvement (w/ still a ways to go). No studio yet, but I have set up an area of the house to "experiment" with indoor lighting.
Take care,
Marta Azevedo
{K:4237} 11/22/2004
Oh, you are already using your camera. Very nice shot. I agree with Brad about the highlights. Did you set up a studio?
Luke Luther
{K:14693} 11/21/2004
Any teaching that happens Isaac is teaching that we will do together. I struggle with lighting all the time. Mostly because I am too LAZY to think about it. Being here at UF has given me new incentives though. I look hard at the great photos and think about the kind of lighting I see in the image. I think about the lighting that would improve or change an image. I think about how the lighting detracts from an image. I recall those early point and shoot images when I first rekindled my interest in photograpy. I think you could look at anything by Henry Horenstein and I went to the discount book store and browsed the racks looking for two things 1) creative lighting techniques and 2) ideas for posing models. We don't need fancy strobes (can help though) as long as we remember a few basice ideas and rules about lighting. e-mail me unohuu @ usfamily.net and we can start on this project together. i have some ideas that i would love to share with you.
Isaac Shaw
{K:2563} 11/21/2004
You are truly a godsend! I really only have a ver basic lighting setup. This is a very new experience for me. I don't have anything to diffuse but am sure that I can improvise. As to the darker skin tones, it is a challenge for me (and I'm dark) even outside work. I basically/literally adjusted the lights until I read a 1 stop difference on her left/right side and I exposed for the higher value (if that makes sense, it's what I did regardless). Now, I would appreciate you to the nnnth degree if you could point me into some learning/developmental tools / resources for this area. I hope you don't mind if I study and try duplicating some of your work with my models (it's how I learn primarily) for learning purposes.
Luke Luther
{K:14693} 11/21/2004
Isaac; I see you charging away with the experiments and lighting trials. This is good work. As someone else mentioned, diffusing the light would really help. Do you have a Sto-fen or something to soften the lighting. I know that the lights really reflect off of darker skin tones. She is overexposed on that one side. How did you meter this? I have been experimenting with a grey card and a modified zone system when shooting people with complexions that are not so easily grey card compatible. example, using my palm, i add or substract for the complexion. you of course have to modify for your own complexion or grey card compensation. Keep shooting though.
Isaac Shaw
{K:2563} 11/21/2004
Thanks for your insight and encouraging words.
Ozjan Yeshar
{K:15239} 11/20/2004
Magnificent portrait in colors although I love portraits more in B&W but this is a superb one Isaac. Cheers. 7+
Brad Morris
{K:3307} 11/20/2004
Thanks Isaac
Isaac Shaw
{K:2563} 11/20/2004
Thanks much for the helpful insight and suggestion. I took a moment to preview your work and I must say it's impressive, to say the least. I appreciate your time and words.
Brad Morris
{K:3307} 11/20/2004
Maybe just a tad too much contrast, try either diffusing your lights or moving the light source back a bit to avoid blowing out the highlights. Great atttempt with an appealing image though