Viviana Tavoni
{K:251} 11/29/2004
thank you Alan, it was the favourite way of holding our daughter of my husband too...
Alan Andrews
{K:283} 11/27/2004
Thanks for the photo of your daughter. She looks like a real sweety. That hold brings back memories for me. It was my favorite way of holding our kids.
Viviana Tavoni
{K:251} 11/5/2004
Many thanks... she's my daughter!!!
Pnar Yazicioglu
{K:7607} 11/5/2004
so cute, like the composition
Viviana Tavoni
{K:251} 11/3/2004
grazie, anche questa era nata a colori e l'ho poi trasformata in b/w con photoshop... e l'ho pure contrastata... probabilmente non abbastanza... urge corso accelerato di photoshop!!! a presto
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 11/2/2004
bella anche il taglio forse un po troppo poco bilanciata nei grigi!! cioč.. "troppo" grigia.. ma molto lovely roby