Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 10/21/2004
wonderful eyes, good. Regards by Gabry
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 10/20/2004
very beautiful portrait.
Amanda Radovic
{K:3609} 10/13/2004
Freckles, glistening eyes and the divine window light!! Beautiful.
Viktor Pravdica
{K:4907} 10/10/2004
Thank you Howie :) I want to buy a new flatbed. Thanx again!
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/10/2004
Thanks Victor for the kind comment. The 9900F is pretty decent as an all round flatbed and neg scanner. It also scans in medium format and slides although I dont have any personally to scan in so cant comment on the quality. It does an excellent job on black and white negs. Struggles a little on colour negs but everyones post I've read on scanners have similar problems with colour negs. I dont use the scanner sharpening as I rather convert to lab mode and then just sharpen the light channel.
Its alittle slow when scanning at 3200 dpi but it doesn't take resources so I can still browse the web and do other things at the same time.
Hope this helps
Viktor Pravdica
{K:4907} 10/10/2004
The dof is great here :) Nice tones!
What do you think about Canon 9900F?
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/10/2004
Thank you for your kind words Elizabeth, very much appreciated
Elizabeth O'Neal
{K:4436} 10/10/2004
Really quite beautiful. I love the bit of softness around the face, but with the eyes in sharp focus. It's actually what I was trying to achieve in my photo that you commented on, but mine is just not there yet. Thanks for your comment.
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/9/2004
Thanks as always Dina. Hope your having a lovely weekend :)
Dina Marie
{K:-1410} 10/9/2004
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/9/2004
Thankyou so kindly for your comment on this photograph, it really is very much appreciated.
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 10/9/2004
A ctractive and M agnificent portrait. A stonishing shot. Z ealouse details care. I nteresting execution. N ice light and G reat tones.Regards...Orazio
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/9/2004
Thank you as always Charisse and I really appreciate your view on my work :)
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/9/2004
Thanks for your kind words and adding me John as a friend. Im about to go out but will have a good look at your portfolio later.
Thanks again
c c
{K:13449} 10/9/2004
Stevie is amazingly beautiful.....so natural! Love this Howie!
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 10/9/2004
Hi Howie! Just added You as a Friend! Looking through Your portfolio there are some really great photos! This is so good! Love Her eyes and the way she is looking at You! I suppose this is Your Daughter? She is very cute! Congrats Friend! My best..............JOHN
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/9/2004
Thank you as always Maria for your kind words.
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 10/9/2004
She is very creative with her expresions! She will be a wonderful model. Great portrait, very nice light in her eyes. Greetings.
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/9/2004
Thanks Waldemar much appreciate your comment.
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/9/2004
Thanks Gregory much appreciate your comment.
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/9/2004
Thanks Richard much appreciate your comment.
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/9/2004
Thanks Kim much appreciate your comment. I get inspiration to do black and white film work from your portfolio.
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/9/2004
Thanks Steven much appreciate your comment.
waldemar ebner filho
{K:5242} 10/9/2004
Howie, I?m sure that she will be, beautiful girl, and excellent portrait. Hug
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 10/9/2004
Lovely tones and angle captured and of course your young model.
Richard Dong
{K:1738} 10/9/2004
Gotta love those freckles, pretty shot and pretty girl.
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 10/9/2004
pretty expression!
Steven H
{K:7142} 10/9/2004
Beautiful girl and great shot . . . reminds me of my own daughter, though mine is camera shy. Great work.