Alexandra O'Meara
{K:223} 11/12/2004
We've all seen and maybe even taken so many pictures of the Eiffel Tower, but each time the photographer finds their own perspective, and here you've found yours. It's beautiful!
David Vorland
{K:-1341} 10/7/2004
I thought so. Bravo. Like most people, I love Paris (and France), and try to get there at least once a year.
Marie-Andrée Brodeur
{K:227} 10/7/2004
I took it from the top of the Samaritaine building, there's a terasse up there :)
David Vorland
{K:-1341} 10/7/2004
From where exactly did you shoot this?
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 10/2/2004
A very beautiful and refreshing view of the Eiffel tower. You bring us around to view it from a birds eye view. Lot's of facinating detail and a nice perspective of the city. Alison
Christian Barrette
{K:21125} 10/2/2004
Voilà une autre image d'adieu à Paris - ou d'au revoir ? Très belle, avec beaucoup d'atmosphère. On remarque l'assemblage serré des toits, avec des angles qui vont dans toutes les directions. En soi, cette partie a des allures abstraites. Et puis, en diagonale, la bande verte des arbres qui bordent la Seine. Ça c'est une ligne bien découpée, facile à suivre qui tranche avec le premier plan. Au point de rencontre de ces deux ensembles, il y a la tour qui fournit un bon point d'ancrage viseul, à peu près au tiers shupérieur gauche.
Mark Julian
{K:36866} 10/2/2004
Dear Marie-Andree, Beautiful picture of my second home (someday my first). The only thing I would change is crop a little bit of sky off the top. Very nice! all the best, Mark
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 10/2/2004
Marie-Andree, thanks for a different perspective of Paris and the Eiffel Tower than we usually see!Good placement of the horizon and the tower off in the distance. Dave.