**** *****
{K:9527} 7/19/2004
Lovely mood!
good bye!
{K:-694} 7/18/2004
hmm, interesting depiction of a music.. good! :)
{K:6651} 7/18/2004
Very nice! Have a nice sunday
Ben Rasmussen
{K:2130} 7/17/2004
very emotive shot. definently different than the normal view. i love how the musician is scene through the whole in the crowd. excelent work ben rasmussen
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 7/16/2004
Merci de vos bons mots... photographie et l'écriture est ma passion. Je parle allemand mais je suis grec!! Mais vous pouvez écrire en anglais également, je préférez le ha?)Thank d'English(funny vous encore!!
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 7/16/2004
Hi!Mary Vareli, I click on translate and...Interessiert dieses Einrahmen von hinter der Scheibe oder die Vorhänge; Ihre vorhergehend Photouhr auch, daß Sie die Kreativität an der einfachen Reproduktion vorziehen, ohne sich verärgern zu wollen. Aber Sie sind populärer, als mich, ohne mich zu verärgern. drilan (translation by google)
Olga Vareli
{K:22477} 7/16/2004
Mary, I like this photograph because when I first saw it I thought 'hey, this is CINEMA!'.I really thought it was a screen!I got confused and I liked it, because you gave this image a kind of cinematic approach.And then I found the musician, and then I realised what was going on.A real life photograph !!Well done.
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 7/16/2004
Mon Français n'est-vous pas bon, pourriez-vous expliquer en anglais svp??
Petros Stamatakos
{K:12101} 7/16/2004
Katapliktiki foto! Panta mou aresan ta reflections. Auth h foto eine to teleio paradugma tou giati.
Bravo Mary :-)
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 7/15/2004
Intéressant ce dadrage de derrière la vitre ou les rideaux ; votre précédente photo montre aussi que vous préférez la créativité à la simple reproduction, sans vouloir vous vexer. Mais vous êtes plus populaire que moi, sans me vexer. drilan
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 7/15/2004
absolutely a perfect work..!
I really can hear the musica reflecting..
quite beautiful moment!!!
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 7/15/2004
Billiana thanx for your words!! You make me blush!! About writing now, I was a bit cynic to myself when I said that I follow an imaginary ?stop writing therapy?!! The thing is that one must write for the right reasons, and it is better to write when this is not a way to escape yourself but a way to share experiences, knowledge and an effort to explain using a soft means like literature (people hate lectures?give them a party?) The ?therapy? helps to ?stop writing as a therapy??So write because you are talented? because you celebrate life when you write, because the sky is blue and everything has a reason?(laughs). Fabio now, also shocks me sometimes like a child that comes from the underworld saying ?mummy look what I found!!? He is on the other hand at a high level as to imagination, realization of the idea communicated and aesthetics?All these are not few!!! Thanx for energy? I need it!
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 7/15/2004
Philotita, at least in the way I experience it does not mean to smile or kiss or hug or involve everyone...it is more of an attitude that at a given time of interaction makes things flow in an unexplainable way....everything is easier with the other person and everything flows?this is my point in the previous image also and it has to do with what is hidden between the image and the unseen? I would consider myself silly if I shot a photo with me and the musician ?Heraclites said that ?the best harmony is the hidden harmony??The scene I shot in MoMa through the windows of the gallery is the best I can do for the musician at the given time - and some money just for the ?thanx?, as music has no price- if the guy was a teenager in need of money I would materialize my tendency in a different way , not just a photo. Question?.: Imagine the photo of an old severe man, he looks strict, he does not smile and the image is full of lines that make it even more unfriendly to the eye. But this image radiates warmth, something that can be justified only when looking at his eyes? Isn?t this the Platonic ideal of love? Something that touched the viewer, let alone the people around him?Just like that? without any cloud, without airs and graces?smiles, shouting, warm BIG words? I came to believe that time is not exactly linear, the future of every interaction and action in this life is influenced from the outcome even at the beginning of the interaction?This is how I personal explain, and I might be wrong, the unexplained with images and people and places and most of all the expression ?Something is wrong here???It is the Inside of people? what is left in photographs after the ?reversing attributes? thing I explained in the image ?Cat and Dog Cv For A Guardian Job?.
Nice thought provoking comment my friend! Thanx again!
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 7/15/2004
me like it
{K:16125} 7/15/2004
This is very well done..I like this...
. .
{K:16329} 7/15/2004
Interesting comments ......counterdictions? Does not the reflection distance the photogtapher from the scene....make her an indifferent observer. Wouldn't philotita require the photographer to directly engage the musician?
John Strazza
{K:11535} 7/15/2004
excellent - love the sense of layers ...
{K:7957} 7/15/2004
Great idea and nice done photo.Regards
{K:30945} 7/15/2004
My dear Mary, I am the one to know what you have gave me. and I am grateful. I even started to write again dear Mary, because of you. But the only think that remains in my head is - am I writing as a terapy or for my talent!?!?!? uf.. have some doubts again and again, but one day I will reach the end of my path! For Fabio, I do understand that he is in some sort of confusion within himself, and maybe he is going to be more concentrate after he expresses himself. I like his unusual concept but still trying to see what it is behind it. deep in him! I feel something... Thank you my sweet Blue Angel! Be well I am sending you all my energy Kisses, Biliana
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 7/15/2004
I hear the world my friend...
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 7/15/2004
Billiana what you say touches me deeply.... I am glad you feel this way...what I love to emit is what Greeks called "Platonic Love", "Philotita" which not something erotic but nothing less than unconditional friendship, love and an urge to see things growing, coming together for all human and non human elements that are around... Love radiation, improvement, creative expansion, positivity...warmth are more than words...they are attitudes that create an outcome of their own once someone has felt Platonic Love for the world.....the seen one and the unseen! Join the vibration...(I know you do!)
love and rose petals...I am glad this image made you smile... And I am sure today you understand Fabio's work better...
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 7/15/2004
if you look closely you'll hear the glass vibrating in echoes :)
emily savva
{K:21113} 7/15/2004
fantastic pic Mary... i can?t believe life would be as interesting without music... and street performers always add a special flavour to it!!!
{K:30945} 7/15/2004
My dear Mary how strange, or it is not! I have almost the same reflection, but not so many people. We have almost the same vision. Trying to find something! Today I have changed. I am changing everyday and growing! oh... Thank you dear Mary for all you gave me and to others! Kisses, Biliana
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 7/15/2004
So sweet to say this...me too now... silent music of my memories...(Just between us, I love this photo....I never upload photos I do not love, it would show...)
Samuel Robinson
{K:1851} 7/15/2004
Nice capture Mary, I could hear the sound of music!