Steve Rosenbach
{K:8338} 6/29/2004
Hi Paul,
The beautifully-lit tiled dome and its copper cap are a stunning centerpiece for your photo.
Best regards, SteveR
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 6/29/2004
This is very interesting light. Well exposed and composed to take advantage of everything. Don.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 6/28/2004
Hi Paul, apart from the contrast between old and new, which, of course, is a relative statement, I think the lighting in this one is fantastic... Great shadows, adding texture to the curved slanting roof of the church. In retrospect to the contrast between old and new, I think a reflection of the old in the new would've brought that image across more strongly, but I can see why that's not possible in this case. Good shot, and well composed.
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 6/28/2004
Very beautiful! Really great architecture and wonderful composition! I didn't even think of the tight crop on right side, only when I read about it. But I think it's better with tight crop than a little bit of other building starting.
Gloria Fusco
{K:7054} 6/28/2004
I also love the contrast of old and new...earthtone shingles and shiny glass...the detail is great as are the colors...My God, I can't believe you were so far away and managed to get such a clear shot.....Gloria
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 6/27/2004
Yeah, the cutoff to the right was because another building in the foeground cut the rest off (this church was about 4 blocks away).
Jeff Fiore
{K:11277} 6/27/2004
Nicely done, what grabbed my attention was the old/new theme. Don't worry about the composition, sometimes you have to work with what is presented to you and do the best you can - this is very good.
Kevin H
{K:22502} 6/27/2004
Love this composition as it's something you usually don't see. The details and sharpness are great. It's too bad the building is cut on the right and find the tree and the bottom left is a little distracting. Keep up the good work.