City - La Grange State - CALIFORNIA Country - United States
I discovered this bridge in April of this year and have been trying unsuccessfully to get a great shot of it. There are several issues. First, there's the 15-20 foot drop into the river right next to the tripod. Second, there's a really ugly levee on the other side of the bridge that I have to shoot around. Third, I've been there in the morning (around 10 am) and at twilight, and the bushes on the far bank under the bridge have been in deep shade both times. Fourth, there are two really ugly black power lines above the roadway. Finally, I like the tree stump and want to try and keep it in the frame. {sigh} Any ideas? Hmmm . . . maybe I should plant some wildflower seed on that ugly dirt bank and try again next year when they are blooming . . . lol
I'm glad I'm not the only one who goes back for the "perfect" photo! lol I've been to this place about 3 times since I discovered it, and it's almost a two-hour drive! It's on the way to Yosemite, so I get a extra payoffs. I just wish I could figure a way to get the ugly brown cliff out of the photo without falling into the river here!
This turned out great Anne, but I know what you are talking about. I have been trying to capture a bridge for weeks now. I have taken at least 50 shots and none are quite right yet. Your bridge has a lovely golden glow, the water is an amazing blue and lovely surrounding textured and deep green landscape. Beautiful capture.
Yup! I see the problem with the tree stump! Unless you have a safety harnass and slide down the embankment, just past the treestumps, I don't see how else you would capture the bridge, because the tree on the right hand side will block the view.
Or - if you are experienced with PS, you could clone out the stumps :-)
Nevertheless Anne, I love this image. Your lighting is wonderful.