Photograph By a. Scarabeo
a. S.
Photograph By Gregory McLemore
Gregory M.
Photograph By James Hager
James H.
Photograph By a. Scarabeo
a. S.
Photograph By Jan Symank
Jan S.
Photograph By Nigel Watts.
Nigel W.
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Florin P.
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Out for a walk 2
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Image Title:  Out for a walk 2
Favorites: 2 
 By: al shaikh  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  al shaikh {Karma:15790}
Project #6 Minimal Depth of Field Camera Model Canon EOS 3
Categories Abstracts
Film Format
Portfolio California
Lens Canon  100 mm f/2 USM
Uploaded 6/9/2004 Film / Memory Type Fuji  Velvia RVP
    ISO / Film Speed 50
Views 4400 Shutter 1/60
Favorites Aperture f/2.8
Critiques 99 Rating
/ 32 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - Costa Rica   Costa Rica
About Since Audrey likes squares, sorry about the scan quality, my scanners broken :(
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Out for a walk 2


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There are 92 Comments in 1 Pages
andree lerat andree lerat   {K:17476} 11/24/2008
Are you in charge of this site?

I think that there is a big problem with communication. This is my third attempt at reaching the person who is in charge of this site.

I am really upset that I paid for a membership that is not recognized.

Received another email:

Donor Status Expiration in 2 weeks: 12/7/2008 4:11:56 PM
To: andree lerat

Date: 11/24/2008 8:15:54 AM

Hello, this is just a reminder to let you know that your donor status will expire in approximately 2 weeks on 12/7/2008 4:11:56 PM.To avoid loss of donor privileges please consider renewing your donor status for another year.

I have renewed my membership. If it has been rejected by the site, then I would like to receive a refund.

Thank you.


andree lerat andree lerat   {K:17476} 11/18/2008
Nice shot Al.

I really feel uncomfortable posting this under your image but I don't know how else to get in touch with you. I posted under donor status without result. Please go there and read my message.

Thank you



Hussam AL_ Khoder   {K:79545} 7/31/2008
. ¸.•´ ¸.•*´¨) ☆.(¯`•.•´¯)
(.¸.•´ (¸.•` ☆ ¤º.`•.¸.•´ ☆Great Picture! ¸.•*¨)☆™☆


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 8/23/2007
Hi Al,
I don't mean to bother you by getting in touch with you through one of your images.
But I have a little problem again concerning my yearly Donation. You would have recieved an American Money order for $25.00 by now. I sent it over six weeks ago.
My Usefilm member status is now invalid.
Can you help me get reinstated???
Sorry to bother you, but this is the THIRD time that Usefilm has been late recognizing my member status.
Andre Denis


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 2/21/2007


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 1/16/2007
I LOVE to play with focussing.. hence this is an absolute treat for me..

Happy New Year Al !!



giovanni guido marchi giovanni guido marchi   {K:27040} 12/21/2006


Violetta  Tarnowska   {K:24497} 10/25/2006
Perfect soft image. Marvellous colours. Congratulations.


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 9/27/2006
Hi Al,

Read your msg, I'm on vacation. Back on sunday... I'll catch up with you then, OK?




Mohsen Bayramnejad Mohsen Bayramnejad   {K:21377} 9/19/2006
So fine playing with DoF and a really well-seen composition!
Bravo! 7+


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 9/13/2006
Hi Al, wonderful floral macro..perfect aperture to blur the background..I like so much the colors and the 'copy' of the flowers in the background..great mirror simmetry..very well composed..
Ciao, Ale


Nilanjan Mitra Nilanjan Mitra   {K:12955} 5/30/2006
Wonderful capture.. Great DOF.. I like the colors too .. congrats my friend..


AlZahraa Sulie AlZahraa Sulie   {K:7255} 5/23/2006
nice Macro Al, i know it could be better, but its charming enough :)



Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 5/11/2006
Testing email notification for Al. Think the glitch is either solved or it's a hickup on my side.




Chelsea Burke   {K:5750} 4/10/2006
**test** . . . . .


Alisa Mudge Alisa Mudge   {K:12511} 4/10/2006
I think it would be better with more room on the bottom.


Mary Sue Hayward   {K:17558} 4/10/2006
Love the DOF. Good job.


andree lerat andree lerat   {K:17476} 1/20/2006
Beautiful macro shot. Would love to see new work by you. Are you Al? :) Andree


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 1/1/2006


Rosario Esposito Rosario Esposito   {K:9796} 12/30/2005



Qasem Shukran   {K:1508} 12/21/2005
Great capture very well done congrats


Daniel S. Garcia   {K:13946} 12/17/2005
Hi Al!
This is a test to see if it goes to your e-mail. I have noticed a few comment that went to my e-mail and yet others including yours that didn't.

Oh, Love the image. Excellent use of shollow DOF and awesome composition!



Mary Sue Hayward   {K:17558} 12/17/2005
Test. Plz see my work. Way to go. Macro is best. Seven plus.


Chris Lauritzen   {K:14949} 12/17/2005
Very nice DOF and colors. I like the way the image appears tobe pointing at me


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 12/17/2005
beautiful captue from a beautiful father and wish you all of the best


Alisa Mudge Alisa Mudge   {K:12511} 12/16/2005
Pungent with color.. Bursts off the page.
This is a test.


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 11/17/2005
Geeez al it's been years. How the heck are you? well now that your site is so successful I see you don't have time to post your own images. How ironic! It was great to return after travelling around the USA for so long to see just how much Usefilm has grown. Congratulations on a job well done.

I have been popping into the chat room as time and internet connection allows and I finally tracked down your profile and this is the only way I know how to say hi as I don't have an email addy for you. You're no doubt too busy and receive too much "fan" mail now so better my message doesn't go that route anyway.

I still remember the handful of originals who you herded over to join here years ago and some of us are still here al.

Take care and don't work too hard. the way....nice photo. :)

Cheers - Ann :)


H L H L   {K:11377} 11/10/2005
This image composition focuses on blur more than the flower overly praised!


Jara Parijayee    {K:4964} 11/9/2005
...still interesting enough


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 9/10/2005
2 different fields of focus makes this image stand out very nicelly,bluring the background in such manner given it alot of beauty ,best regards.


brandy bailey   {K:3509} 8/30/2005
nice composition and color.


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 8/26/2005
lovely capture of this beautiful flower dear Al!!!!!
fine colors!!!! very well done!!!


Alisa Mudge Alisa Mudge   {K:12511} 8/6/2005


Cheryl Ogle   {K:24494} 7/16/2005
Where in Costa Rica did you go? I love it there - we want to buy a place and retire there when we get older. :) Isn't it beautiful. I love this plant - great detail and color you caught.


ppdix  ppdix     {K:17069} 7/16/2005
U HAD to be photographer #1



Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 7/11/2005
wonderful colors and Lighting in this nice macro, the DOF is perfect, very nice .....


Kay McIntire   {K:11787} 6/28/2005
Lovely DOF and colors. Really a great capture- well seen and photographed!


Trish McCoy Trish McCoy   {K:15897} 6/20/2005
love the softness here. Your DOF is perfect. nice lovely shot.


Patrick Ziegler Patrick Ziegler   {K:21797} 6/2/2005
Al, I have opend a thread in the donor's forum I wish to be removed. It was made in the heat of the moment. I think you will understand once you read it. Also, If my comments containing what some may think is inapropriate language could also be removed, that would be much appreciated...


Patrick Ziegler


Randy Lorance Randy Lorance   {K:24769} 5/16/2005
The DOF and bright colors really do seem to make this reach out past the screen. Nice blue/green colors in background.



andree lerat andree lerat   {K:17476} 4/29/2005
Gorgeous composition and beautiful colors. Regards, Andree


David Chang-Sang   {K:680} 4/27/2005
Test :)



Eric Goldwasser   {K:4294} 4/27/2005
Nicely done Al. My Kinda shot. :-)


Sérgio Vieira   {K:3384} 4/27/2005


Sérgio Vieira   {K:3384} 4/27/2005


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 4/23/2005
I would want to see a your new photo.. soon..


andree lerat andree lerat   {K:17476} 2/27/2005
If this is a bad scan, I can imagine how gorgeous the original is. Great use of DOP. Great shot.........Hope you get this comment.


Nando Mondino   {K:14261} 2/23/2005
Beautiful macroshot!


Clifton Jones Clifton Jones   {K:10688} 2/6/2005
Stunning colors...very beautiful image...


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 2/5/2005
wonderful play with colors here!
quite lovely done!


michelle k.   {K:16270} 1/26/2005
i like the square format too. i lvoe these things, as a kid i'd snatch butterlies off of them. haha god i'm mean. well anyway, i like the colors and dof especially.


audra  erin audra  erin   {K:3837} 1/22/2005
This site is amazing..I have learned SO much..just the encouragement alone is priceless..when I stumbled across Usefilm
I was somewhat confident that I had a decent eye and an Ok feel for art but wow..I have seen growth in is about growth..change and the cultivation of what makes one


wooww!! my dear friend, this is a wonderful composition, super colors, and dof, congrats from Peru and God bless you
PS: I hope this comment arrives very well because from 2 days ago the site this very slow , delaysmore of 2 minutes in sending each comment :(
Hablas español?? Saludos desde Peru


wooww!! my dear friend, this is a wonderful composition, super colors, and dof, congrats from Peru and God bless you
PS: I hope this comment arrives very well because from 2 days ago the site this very slow , delaysmore of 2 minutes in sending each comment :(


Nour El Refai Nour El Refai   {K:12481} 1/3/2005
I like that they are in groups, you show one group in focus, perfect DOF, and it is working showing the idea 7


PK- Photos PK- Photos   {K:13099} 12/21/2004
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family!

best wishes,

Pia :)


Di Ciuccio Maurizio Di Ciuccio Maurizio   {K:57398} 12/18/2004
una doff veramente eccellente..ho visto la revisione di douglas ma preferisco la tua profondita' dell'immagine mi proietta dritto su un bellissimo soggetto ed una straordinaria doff..complimenti..merry christmas dear al


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 12/18/2004


Dorothy Di Liddo   {K:13787} 12/6/2004
Beautiful colors, just read a note in a forum I'm watching, hope you are feeling better. Dottie


delete my account   {K:3679} 12/4/2004
Very beautifull.

I'm impressed ;)

Best wishes abel!


Roberto Carli   {K:13689} 11/11/2004
Very good composition!!!I had to ask u a question,pls can u send me ur mail?
Best wishes.


Petros Stamatakos   {K:12101} 10/30/2004
Have you had a chance to rescan this? It's definately worth rescanning... Love the dof.


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 10/29/2004
love the colors... and I like how the dof makes the other flowers in the background look like a mirror image.. nicely captured


Tony Diana Tony Diana   {K:13396} 10/13/2004
Estupendo juego con el DOF


Elena Zabelina   {K:23212} 10/5/2004
Hi Al.
Thank you so much, I found my photos.
Very beautiful flowers. I like way you did it.
Wonderful color and blur effect.
My warm regards,


Patrick Jacobson   {K:29151} 10/2/2004
I like the composition.. Like 2 siblings.. but one was the favorite and gets to be in focus.. and the other one behind in the shadow.. and out of focus! :) Great colors and use of natural light (i presume?).

Thanks alot for the Staff award! =)

Cheers and keep up your good work.. both as a photographer and site admin! =)

Patrick Jacobson


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 9/29/2004
Do you take these shots when you need a bit of rest from UF? ;) Photograph can be very relaxing or very exciting, it depends on the points of view and on? the subjects, a flower is absolutely more relaxing than a woman ;) Bye Max


Romulo Lubachesky   {K:11836} 9/5/2004
Beautiful work, i like the DOF here!


Sue O'S Sue O'S   {K:12878} 9/1/2004
Nice image


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 8/22/2004
Super dof - the colours and composition are good. Thankyou for the comment ... I think ;-)


Jan Symank Jan Symank   {K:22030} 8/14/2004
Beautiful colors which are " mirrored " in the background
Great impression of deth and "bokeh "
with this background
Bravo and regards from Jan


Jim Gamble   {K:12164} 8/4/2004
Al, whats wrong with the scan on this one?
Looks good to me.
I really like the way the colours just pop out at ya, very nice.
Jim Gamble

Post Script: puttin this one in my favs.


Ahmet Baki Kocaballi   {K:13618} 8/3/2004
wonderful shot!


Anil Nediyara   {K:93} 8/2/2004
can digital SLR get you the same sort of DOF ?


antonia dettori   {K:560} 7/25/2004
Splendid image


Benedetto Riba Benedetto Riba   {K:15792} 7/22/2004
Very nice work, excellent DOF.
Regards, Benedetti,


Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 7/10/2004
Amazing work!!Nice colors.


Luke Luther   {K:14693} 6/27/2004
the color saturation is wonderful. the flower out of focus is too distracting for me since it is in the same vertical third.


B:)liana    {K:30945} 6/25/2004
Beautiful soft colors dear Al, and great DOF! Lovely
Thank you
Kisses, Biliana


Di Ciuccio Maurizio Di Ciuccio Maurizio   {K:57398} 6/24/2004
fantastica...colore e doff davvero eccezionali...complimenti


神 風 神 風   {K:10665} 6/18/2004

It may not become a major seller in your inventory of images, but it is quite simplistic in it's nature and that is what makes it basically attractive. On behalf of Philip and you ... 'I had the time' per the attached with a 50% crop if you don't mind ... Okay?

Thanks for sharing and Best of Regards!

P.S. I think Roby was a bit too generous with his '7', so please forgive me for my '5'!


'Just a little framed rework for a great WebMaster'!

Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 6/14/2004
Hi Al..
I see in this close-up one beautiful simmetrie and therefore one little various photo from the usuals of macro flowers! the two flowers the two friends play to you on the DOF create geometry.
who run after themselves!
nice one again...


Audrey Reid   {K:5872} 6/10/2004
Prefer this to the other version, like Marillia I personally have a special dislike for colour magenta.

Orange & square are the new black this season:) The chosen dof give this image a muted painting-like effect. The background leaves, the touch of blue give perfect balance to this centered composition.


Bob Jarman Bob Jarman   {K:3145} 6/10/2004
Cool Al. I personally think its the lines of the leaves that make it so nice.


Alisa Mudge Alisa Mudge   {K:12511} 6/9/2004
If this was not directly in the middle I would love it. It just goes to prove that you can make a snap work just as well as a SLR produced photo. I do not want to hear "It's just a snap from you again!!!"


Maria Laet   {K:196} 6/9/2004
very nice


Antonio Trincone   {K:23167} 6/9/2004
indeed nice symmetry in the unfocused backgroud Altaf


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 6/9/2004
LOVE the composition on this one!!!
It's so different and also BOLD,
lower right with just the tinge of blue
also adds to this overall wonderful

Nice work,
Lori ;)


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 6/9/2004
very fine, artistic and delicate flower macro shot, Altaf...

best regards,


Lucas Macedo   {K:12843} 6/9/2004
Similar to your latest shot, Altaf, with vibrant colors and clever use of focus.
Great work! Regards ..... Lucas


Philip Lindsay   {K:1748} 6/9/2004
maybe a border of some kind would complete this more


Amna Al Shamsi   {K:21795} 6/9/2004
Very beautiful, it stands out ...I like the DOF here.




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