Al S
{K:5131} 5/15/2004
Hi Georgie! We did a show with the Sex Pistols here in Australia at the Newcastle Entertainment Centre when they did their last tour. We met the dudes and gave them all Crank T-shirts!(I always wonder if they ever did end up wearing them) It was pretty cool and they were not to bad to chat with either! I was not a Sex Pistols fan but I went out and bought one of their CDs and got it autographed by the guys! It was funny! David, I reckon you can order our T-shirts on the net or you'll have to come to a gig to get one! :) Thanks Carmem, Stephen and Carlheinz for your encouraging comments! Cheers Alan
jiorji m
{K:489} 5/14/2004
woooohooooo anarchy in the UK. the sex pistols would be so proud
David McClenaghan
{K:9481} 5/14/2004
Love the T-Shirt where do I get one.
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 5/14/2004
Excellent Alan - darn I never thought, I made a mad dash to Cheltenham last week. Next time I will drop you an email first !!
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 5/14/2004
good capture, Alan! a difficult shot, well done. cheers, Carmem
Carlheinz Bayer
{K:14220} 5/14/2004
It seems to be a lot of action on your concerts:-) Good shoot, Alan. Cheers! Carlheinz