Bryan Miller
{K:3395} 5/12/2005
I had this feeling you would tell me there was no fog in Jeddah (too funny). what a bummer that the boat is gone --- well I'm sure some are happy that it's cleaned up :)
Okay so scrap my idea *LOL*
Now I must talk you into film and to put down the D70 :)))))))))))
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 5/12/2005
Hello bryan! As soon as I got the D70 I went back to that location but they cleaned the beach and removed all the old and abandoned boats! Its hard to find them! We don?t get fog here in Jeddah! Maybe its too hot for fog? Thank you bryan for your comments your so kind
Bryan Miller
{K:3395} 5/12/2005
Arwa... this foto has so much potential. maybe you are close to this loaation? If so, visit it many times and wait for the 'right' light and moment. something to help translate and communicate your feelings "so neglected it broke my heart". maybe a very foggy day is right.... only you can answer that but this foto can take on the same meaning for us as it did for you if you combine it with the right moment.
Enas Moussa
{K:7470} 7/7/2004
arwa i really love this pic.. i dont c u should remove the motor at all.. it makes it more impressive to find a sinking boat although it has a motor!! its an ironic contrast!! i like what pedro did in the pic but with the motor if u plzzzzzzzz
{K:3591} 7/1/2004
Hi Arwa, I think I am very lucky because I saw your comment about my photo and came to look at your portfolio. I found this amazing shot! Although I guess it was perfect, I saw what people sugested in the comment area... It?s unbelievable what a program can do! But everything started with your great shot! Best regards! Cesar (Brazil) (Sorry for my english)
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 4/18/2004
Hi Amna And thanx a lot the red tones look great!! Would editing them on Photoshop replace using a red haze filter? Donno if it sounds like a stupid question :P just started learning & everyone here is kind and helpfull :)
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 4/18/2004
Hi Arwa....good to see Arab photographer around here...at the beginning most of us had some problems when we first started especially with composition, but we are learning from each other.....do not give up it will be better soon you have the abilities. With regard to this photo, I think Pedro did a very good job, some times you need to remove some elements that distract the viewer attention. With your B&W image you could add some red tone that will make it look richer in color. I did crop and play around with the tone..hope you like it.

Kees and Carolyn
{K:15193} 4/16/2004
Beautiful photo! I also like what Pedro did! Good job! Carolyn
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 4/16/2004
Wow I really like it this way?thank you soooooooo much I also like the smaller border, it looks 100% better now after the cropping THANK YOU!!! :)
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 4/16/2004
hello ... thanks for the visit and comment on my photo ...about your question...I don`t like to give opinions because I think that photography it is a self discovering process and depends on our perspective...so my comment to your photo on this case will be only a personal idea...I am not a technique expert ...I want be clear on that. I think that at least I will crop out part of the water on top ...it does not have any particulary beauty our aspect that deserves our attention...it only distracts our eyes.. second maybe I will crop a bit of the right part of screen...and stay only with one of that things...the objectiv to leave only the elements that deserve attention...specially the boat 3? aspect I will loose the motor ... the idea does not play to me...abandoned with a motor??? ... ...and finally on this case I prefer the original photo... at to end...my propose on your work will be something like this... regards.

arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 4/16/2004
hmmm no one liked it? heres the original pic
