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WORLD  TRADE  CENTER (in memory)
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Image Title:  WORLD TRADE CENTER (in memory)
Favorites: 4 
 By: Mark Julian  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Mark Julian  Mark Julian {Karma:36866}
Project #33 Pictures of Famous Places Camera Model Canon F-1
Categories Architecture
Film Format
Portfolio NYC/S F/Vegas/USA
Message in a Photo
Unreal World
Lens Canon  50 mm
Uploaded 3/26/2004 Film / Memory Type Kodak  Kodachrome PKR
    ISO / Film Speed 64
Views 2944 Shutter 1/1000
Favorites Aperture f/11
Critiques 43 Rating
/ 17 Ratings
Location City -  New York City
State -  NEW YORK
Country - United States   United States
About "Your Government Failed You" Richard Clarke-24th of March,2004 (9/11 investigation Hearings).Yes it did. 3,000+ victims should still be living their lives.These beautiful, gigantic towers should still be reaching for the heavens...1,000's of government officials get paid by YOUR tax money(if you work in/for the usa) so this type of thing was never suppose to happen.So why did it? Why were members of the Bin Laden family along with over 100 Saudi's flown to Boston with FBI approval during the "all airlines grounded"period and out of the country as soon as the no flying ban was lifted? Interesting questions I think...Also, not ONE person has been fired for horrible job non- performance. Ms. Rice (Bush's Assistant) refuses to testify under oath at the 9/11 hearings (you can't "spin" when you've been sworn in. That equals prison time).Who are these arrogant people? They work for us - WE pay them! They say we're winning the war on terrorism. Sure we are, just ask the people of Bali, Australia, Turkey, Kenya, Tanzania, Morocco, Tunisia, and a lot of people taking the trains in Madrid, Spain a few weeks ago-they'll tell you. The White House comment line is 202. 456. 1111.
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There are 43 Comments in 1 Pages
Vassiliy Tankov   {K:-219} 8/22/2007
I'm never will forget NYC and WTC.
Thank u for picture...


Adam Schiavone Adam Schiavone   {K:1215} 8/22/2007
Jim - the next time you see your son, thank him for me - There is a silent majority of MILLIONS behind him. God Bless.


Hans MADARIAGA Hans MADARIAGA   {K:4341} 2/13/2005

Se logra captar toda la abstracta geometria de las torres, como el monolito de "2001 odisea en el espacio" de Stalley Kubrick.



Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 8/11/2004
Dear Dal, It is a picture -well I call it a photograph but whatever....smoke, mirrors, and spin? (sorry, I didn't quite get that). If you're wondering why those twin towers no longer exist and why over 3000 people no longer live look into a new book called "The 9/11 Commission Report" (8 bucks in paperback on and how the Federal Government screwed up every step of the way (what else is new).If that's too much work check out a little flick called "Fahrenheit 9/11"(Borrowed from the classic book/film title "Fahrenheit 451" which is the degree paper spontaneously combusts -book burning of censored books ordered by a police state government - shouldn't be long as a reality here as we quickly head in that direction)"Fahernheit 9/11" will take only 2 hours of your time if the book is too much (or you can wait for the DVD-with A LOT of extra's- coming out on OCT. 3rd -almost exactly a month before the Prez. elections, that sly dog Michael Moore. Check this out, this is what happened. 4 planes were hijacked by 19 terrorists(15 with Saudi Arabian passports. Ah,I believe that's a different country than Iraq, I think) on the morning of the 11th of Sept.,2001. The first 3 crashed into 3 seperate buildings piloted by the terrorists(after the animals did a little slashing). The 4th was brought down into a field due mainly to the actions of the passengers. NORAD, not suprisingly, acted like the Keystone Cops throughout this entire event. Those people get paid by our tax money to do their job right and should have all been fired on the spot. As usual, slackers that work for the federal government get away with almost anything and never get fired (unlike people that work in the "real world")Those are the facts/that's the absolute, non-complicated, plain truth. If you can't handle it don't blame me.Sometimes a mind can only handle so much. As Lennon/McCartney said,"Think for yourself because I can't be there for you"(I hope you don't ACTUALLY think Iraq is about anything else except Oil, big business, and US control of the Middle East.)Do me a favour Dal, Wake up and smell reality. Don't forget,(political)Talk is Cheap,VERY cheap.....Take care my friend. (hey, there's some pretty girls on this page.Maybe you should check those out). Thanks for stopping by...


dal mandle   {K:1484} 8/10/2004
"smoke, mirrors and spin?"... lets stick to pictures


Kevin Collier   {K:19076} 8/7/2004
..right on ... two fingers on the right hand in salute...K


Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 4/16/2004
Yep, I pulled off the trick of the century (that's why my nickname is "The Trickster").I almost feel as smart as Donald Trump....and it is a somewhat nice - but on the edge of crappy - snapshot, that's all part of the "Trick". Sincerely, Mr. Trickster P.S. Thanks/Sorry you feel that way/I agree/I disagree.Next time I'm in NYC I'll try to get a better shot of them.


Jon O'Brien Jon O'Brien   {K:11321} 4/16/2004
Well. I think I just learned how to get lots of comments on my pictures.

I thought it was a good picture, probably much like millions of pictures taken by millions of awed tourists. But in these grim days it is impossible for a picture of the WTC NOT to have political overtones. And why not have political comment in an art forum? As an historian I can say with authority that Art and Politics are so closely intertwined as to almost be the same thing. Good art should make a person think. I like Jim Loy's "patriot" series for the same reason. The difference might be that Mark has used his image as a jumping off point for a political statement, while Jim's images ARE political statements in and of themselves.


Sean D.   {K:2361} 4/16/2004
Tecnically the shot is just OK, the political statements you made are far better and I agree with you on them. I think the monkey who is pulling all the strings in your country wouldn't be eligable for a job at Hotdog On A Stick the next day if he were fired. Personally I didn't like the World Trade Centre, although I wanted to see them since seeing the 1976 version of King Kong. However they were an eye sore, interestingly duo-momolithic though. It was a fact that alot of New Yorkers hated the twin towers, they should never have been built in that location at least. When I was in NYC in 1998 I first sighted them from Soho and was awed for a few moments thinking - "there big", but that was about all. It was a terrible shame that such a dreadful event brought them down, not sensible urban planning.


Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 4/4/2004
Dear Randy, I've promised Al that I will keep my mouth shut on subjects like this so I will. Sorry about how you feel.Mark


Randy Lorance Randy Lorance   {K:24769} 4/4/2004
Mark, your one of the biggest a--holes towards other users on this site that I have come across in the time I have been here (which won't be much longer as I've stopped posting and am clearing off portfolio).
This was claimed to be a photo sharing site and has turned into a radio talk show with stills. Your replies to simple short comments that do something other than pat you on the back for your singular wisdom on the workings of the world fly forth like a killer bee with a disfunctional stinger.
And what is with the absurd justification of ones subjective opinions and biased views by stating that "I'm only stating facts" if the selection of selective facts and the order they're presented could not in any way present anything other than the total and undeniable truth as is known to you and a few other 'enlightened ones'.
I guess my biggest question is why your 'about',if not caught right away ,was not pulled by editors as soon as it was noticed. I was under the impression that it's purpose was to add pertinent information about a photograph, not to advance a persons political views. What a bigot you are to expound in this format as you have ,and then castigate any person with a viewpoint which may differ from your own.
Sorry, I forgot what I was going to say about your picture.
Randy @ Usefilm or Usewords(whichever may apply)


Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 4/2/2004
Dear Glenn,I ain'ts no English teacher but shouldn't that be "there's plenty of sites"(see we need our tax money to go back into our school system, not a phoney war)On the "get a life" comment(please Glenn, that phrase is SO "90's"). That DID scare me enough that I rushed off right away to see my Dr. and after checking my pulse, heartbeat(it's beating) and breathing (I was) he told me I"m O.K. and still do have a life(which is the opposite of death-just so you know).On the Garbage thing.In my "hood" garbage pick-up is on Thusday mornings so we just missed them by a day.But first thing I'll do next Thursday morning is stand out there and when they come I'll find out if they're allowed to take away "political" garbage, O.K.? One more thing Glenn,and I promise this is just between me and you, you're suppose to the comment on the photo at some point when you write in. shh. WE 'll keep that between just the 2 of us.You say SO MUCH with SO LITTLE-genius stuff Glenn,genius. Now you take care of yourself and thanks loads for stopping by and opening my misguided eyes. Mark, (I'm not afraid to say it)the Bad, Bad Man.


Glenn R. McGloughlin   {K:3716} 4/1/2004
Get a life.... there are plenty of site to spout your political garbage!


Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 3/31/2004
First of all,my total appreciation to Anthony and the beyond belief things he had to encounter on 9/11 and the days after. I'd like to thank Timothy, David, Lori, and GC for not only liking my work but having the awareness and analytical thinking skills to question the top layer of this Government.The fact is,in America, the Government is suppose to be US.Sadly a lot of people have forgotten that basic fact and follow any charlatan that comes along with a good speech writer.On 11/19/1863 one of America's greatest leader finished his speech with the lines..."that this nation,under God, shall have a new birth of freedom-and that government OF THE PEOPLE,BY THE PEOPLE,FOR THE PEOPLE shall not perish from the earth".These were the last lines of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.I think he would be very depressed with the modern America seeing millions of it's citizens following so called leaders like sheep and not questioning their actions or bothering to think and analyse for themselves. For example, what was the obsession with attacking Iraq even BEFORE 9/11 happened? W.M.D.? Where are they? While we were losing military and civilian lives in Iraq daily(not to mention billions of dollars).The Al Queada pigs were planning the Madrid train bombings (and God only knows what else they had time to put together).This war on terrorism demands FULL TIME TOTAL WORLD COOPERATION if we (the civilized world) are going to beat (or at the least contain) them.
Last but not least I just wanted Duane (and a few others who weren't as fluent)to know my statement was never against the troops.They fought strong and proud in Afghanistan which was, without a doubt, a totally necessary war, and even though many Americans(and the world) don't agree with the reasoning behind Iraq (but the light of truth is slowly coming out on that issue with yesterday's news), the troops must follow the orders of the Commander in Chief(no matter what his REAL reasons are)and I understand that and always did.Oh, I almost forgot about a very decent and classy statement(on somebody elses shot) by Jill Hatzai dismissing and ,in a way degrading, my dead parents for being highly educated.I won't respond to such filth and am shocked a supposed civilized person can go that low.Spiteful and ignorant people that can only attack the weak (or dead) have always been with us so I really shouldn't be to surprised... Enough said, let's move on.The on going 9/11 hearings will determine what's the truth and what the lies are. Thanks to all,except Jill,whether pro or con for proving we still have freedom of speech. Mark


Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 3/30/2004
I think that's the right move. Don't get a speeding ticket now.


. .   {K:16329} 3/30/2004
Thanks, Mark. I'll rush my cameras over to the repair shop.


Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 3/30/2004
Hey, John, Glad you're back buddy!Wow,all this attention from you AND Jim.... What can I say, I'm truely flattered. Listen,you seem like such a polite and nice guy that I feel bad about letting you down but I really can't help you with the technical problems you're having.I'm a photographer,not a tech guy - you get the difference,right?...Well,I'll give it one shot cause something just flashed in my brain. Off the top of my head,the one thing I can think of is it rains A LOT in Seattle(like, a lot a lot) so maybe your camera's recieved some kind of water damage or something.How are the seals on those babies? See, that could be it. You gotta think "out of the box" sometimes (more often than not that's when you find your solution)Anyway, that's all I can come up with right now my friend, sorry(If I get a flash of genius later I'll pop you an E-mail.Thanks for stopping by and I hope you can get that problem fixed soon.I'm eagerly looking forward to your next trippy shot.All the best and have a great Easter.(hate to cut this short but I'm in the middle of a DVD-Hannibal. You seen it? great so far-and my girlfriend and her sister are yelling for me to get back to it,have it on pause).Gotta run... Take care and keep shooting, Mark


. .   {K:16329} 3/30/2004
Thanks, Mark, for the reply. I?m posting it back here, in proximity to my question and your picture, in the event anyone else is interested. Sarcasm? Not at all. Just curious. As I?m sure others have, I?ve attempted to shoot this picture under the same conditions... with two different cameras and lenses. And, at F/11 with 100 ISO film and a relatively fast lens [ 2.8 ] I find the image darkening and the shadows going solid if my shutter was faster than 1/250.

And yes, Seattle is a nice city, and it even has a connection to the roots of modern photography through the person of Imogen Cunningham.


Dear John, thanks for commenting on my site.Love this shot - not only is it very artistic (I love abstrcts even though the few I've done are rather conservative) but it makes me think I must look something like this when I listen to some of the simple minded, non-thinking call in comments on C-Span (Washington Journal morning program) whenever I get a chance to tune in (which is often since I stay up all night and work when I'm here - Los Angeles.I also live in Paris part time so those are times when I'm not here but there). Now on to your Questions about my equipment and settings.Since I shot that photo in 1993(Mid-June, stopped in NYC on the way back to LA after an assignment in Europe. It was a very sunny ,clear, and hot day) I know the film had to be Kodachrome 64 (that's all I ever used, as most professionals at that time - pre Velvia I believe. 64 and 200 iso (asa) in those days was it).Camera was Canon (all my SLRS and lenses up to 29/3/2004 have been Canon - use EOS 3's now)and at that time I was using F-1's (Think I had 3 bodies including my girlfriend's equipment who's my main assistant and also a great photographer herself - we share equipment).As far as the lens and exposure settings the more I look at the shot now-which at the time I turned straight into my agency very fast(didn't really analyze it-thought the WTC was gonna be there forever-it was just another shot at the time) and moved on to whatever photo work I had set up next (it's been a long time - over 10 years, wait, let me get my calculator)it MIGHT have been my 35mm lens and shutter MIGHT have been set at 1/500 so...are you gonna turn me into "Homeland Security?" Please don't.I found your slightly sneaky sarcasm very cute and I love cute (especially if she's got a very tight, short skirt on). Obviously from a quick scan of your work (sorry, it's 4:00am and Stern is on the radio live from New York so I'm a bit distracted to take a closer look right now - but will, looked pretty good from what I saw)Seattle's where you're located? Very nice city. One of my favorite bands "Pearl Jam" (as you probably know)is from there. Got all their work-CD's/DVD's/Boot's/Etc. And of corse Nirvana was great("Heart Shaped Box" video was a masterpiece-just saw it this last weekend).Anyway, glad you liked the shot and please check out the rest of my work when you have time. Take Care, Mark


Jim Loy Jim Loy   {K:31373} 3/29/2004
Mark, Just one small correction to the entire response you made to me. (If any of you want to see the response, click on my name and see the "Greetings!" photo) You said:
"Since your USAF son recieved a free million dollar education..."
Well, it was not free. My son V-O-L-U-N-T-E-E-R-E-D to go. He was not drafted or conscripted. He scored a 94 on his placement exam (you need a 40 or better for the USAF--the highest entry requirement of any branch) He did not receive his education for free. He placed his life at risk by his own choice. That is quite a price to pay or even offer up for payment for a "free" education. He is already taking classes towards his Bachelors degree and when he leaves the Air Force he will finish his Masters at the University of Illinois. And then on to a space program in do more for mankind and humanity than march singing protest songs. And he also told me to tell you, "You are welcome." It's because of young men and women who are not afraid to give a little something back to the greatest nation (yes, with some flaws) that has been on this planet to date. Instead of the US dropping its standards to be like European countries, maybe they should try and do it the way we did...with hard work, and compassion and open elections and young men and women smart and brave enough to fight for the principles you so lengthily expound on. Why would we want to be like them, when they are envious of our success?It actually makes me smile to see you enjoying and using your freedoms. That is the greatest gift our men and women gave to this nation---the protection and security of expresson. You did not pop any of my fantasy bubbles. You reinforced them.


Jill Hatzai   {K:1854} 3/29/2004
they do have discussion forums on this site you know. maybe if you had spent half the time preparing the image that you did on preparing your anti-gov speech, it might have looked like a decent architectual shot. if you have such a problem with the country, join the govt and change it, or emigrate.


Jimmie "DeeDee" Jones   {K:368} 3/29/2004
By the way....Great shot!


Jimmie "DeeDee" Jones   {K:368} 3/29/2004
We let other people of other nations into our country everyday. I guess we could stop our kind ways, but then we wouldn't be the USA. You could also say that our own can destroy our Timothy McVeigh, of the Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing.....we can't stop fanatics running around using their cowardly ways to end innocent lives....anything can happen at anytime. That is the work of the Devil, not our government. (this is only my opinion of course.) My good friend is in the USAF! God Bless our troops and God Bless our world!


Brenzef Shopovlev   {K:789} 3/29/2004
I like the photo, but i have had enough of the political statements around it, since there are many. This site is about photo's not politics.

So refrain from these writings i would say.
Anyway, you do make nice photo's and the statement was probably something you "had" to write. Things are seen differently on the other end of the big chunk of water if you know what i mean. Keep up the good photowork cus there are nice photo's in your portfolio.


Aden Patrick   {K:70} 3/29/2004
Then I rose up from my peaceful repose and declared WAR upon all of the world. My wrath is taller than my towers.My reasoning deflected by an attack upon my life.

There is no answer for you but death and utter destruction.May your offspring burn in my fire and suffer ugliness for their grandchildren to fear.

If you want to talk politics instead of raw emotion I got $86,000,000,000 now, and another $Trillion with which to work diplomacy.

It is not funny or proper for me to talk about dropping millions of tons of concrete on the bench where you eat lunch...


B:)liana    {K:30945} 3/29/2004
Dear Sweet Mark, I will not discuss politics here. Great perspective. great angle. I like it. It describes the power of the buildings, so high ;-)


tybo n   {K:962} 3/29/2004
i don't mean to be a jerk but I love this image, However, I think we should keep politics for another section on line for people to talk about.
Since you brought it up, these are some of my thought. There are some things that I don't like about Bush, but I'm for him all the way!!! He's doing all the dirty work for the next President to sit and look preaty and for OUR childrens future. "If we do this now. Our children wont have to in the future"


Aden Patrick   {K:70} 3/29/2004
I use to sit in the court yard between the Picasso and the Miro, eating my lunch. But never again.How do you feel about those who drop bombs on you? Or where you eat your lunch? The Photo isn't bad Nor is it good. No photo can speak to the heart of my anger. Justify the evil all you can with twisted reason and loud voice. Still, I sat in the plaza and wondered...


Duane Bennett Duane Bennett   {K:1013} 3/28/2004
Great shot, Mark. I've not seen this angle before. This photo does bring a lump to my throat.
As far as the political side of it, my belief is that our government is barking up the wrong tree, perhaps on purpose, perhaps by ignorence. The biggest issue for me is, although I may not agree with, or support our polititions, I fully, 100% whole-heartedly, support our soldiers. They are truely patriots. They are sworn to do their duty, weather they agree with our leaders or not. We must keep this in mind when our troops begin the long march home. I was fairly young when our troops came home from Viet Nom, but I remember them not only getting no respect, but getting the blame for the bad decisions of our government leaders. They were called names and generally not welcomed back to the society that they fought to preserve. I really hope this does not happen this time. So, even if the war was not, in your opinion, a good move, please don't blame the troops. Let's welcome them home and thank them for being true patriots. "That's all I have to say about that" ---Duane---


. .   {K:16329} 3/28/2004
Congrats on your Featured Donor photo. I'm not well schooled in the technical aspects of photography, and I look to the professionals on UF for help, so I'm curious as to how you captured this image with a small aperture, slow film, and such a fast shutter. I know I must be missing something here. I'll keep my eye on this page in the event you should be so kind as to help me by replying.

Cheers! john


G C   {K:12204} 3/28/2004
Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq - No
Al Queada connection to Iraq - No
Massive Civilian Causualties from "Shock and Awe" - Yes
Americans Die There Every Day - Yes

Do the math and make your own judgement. These decisions came from the White House, not from bureaucrats, and certainly no offense meant to the folks who put their life on the line to keep the better part of the world safe. November is coming, imagine how the folks who signed the US constitution would vote. Maybe they'd throw a Tea Party...

Incidentally, great shot, fantastic perspective. GC


Glenn R. McGloughlin   {K:3716} 3/28/2004
Very nice picture, but not sure if this is the place for political statements... Maybe if it was filed under Journalism.


Yuan Gao   {K:38} 3/28/2004


Anthony Gorman   {K:140} 3/28/2004
From someone who had the unfortunate duty to act and respond and serve at the WTC disater, I respect and appreciate the image however there are plenty of other places to post your political view. I have a fair amount of images that I took at the pile during the whole ordeal and the days and weeks to follow that cause me phyical and emotional pain. However if I post them I would let the images speak for themselves. Just My Humble Opinion.

Respectfully submitted,
Anthony Gorman
NYC Paramedic



Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 3/28/2004
Hi Mark,


Lori :)


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 3/28/2004
a nice point of view for a testimonial of hard day!
the victim of terrorism in my mind.. roby


WALT MESK   {K:10691} 3/28/2004
ottima disposizione degli spazi,bella composizione.avrei saturato e contrastato un po' di piu'.complimenti...walt.


Lucas Macedo   {K:12843} 3/28/2004
Great perspective and memory, Mark!
The blueish tone is excellent.
Regards!! ..... Lucas


David McClenaghan   {K:9481} 3/28/2004
Politics and art.
Wow thats an unusual combo!
(I'm Australian, and thats irony, in case anyone cant quite understand)
Maybe Jim should take a look at 'The fog of war' documentary about Robert Macnamara. Might learn something (then again the current US Govt obviously havent)
Keep up the great work Mark.
Found you after reading your response on Mr Loys image.


Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 3/27/2004
Thanks Timothy, It's great to see there's some of us left that can see through all the smoke and mirrors and "spin".I'm afraid logic and common sense and analytical thinking are in very short supply these days in America. The people who didn't fall for the prolonged Vietnam (and on the side, the "secret" Cambodian/Laos)War were proven to be 100% right in time and I think we'll see the same thing happen again with this "magic trick" of mixing the terrorism of 9/11 and Iraq (which have very little to do with one another except drain our resources and distract us from going after the real terrorists). I think this time enlightened Americans are catching on much faster(to the great disappointment of a few). Truth is much stranger than fiction.Your comments said it all.


Jim Loy Jim Loy   {K:31373} 3/26/2004
Nice photo---comments a bit askew. Maybe Poli/Sci 101 program to adjust the frustration a bit?
Father of a USAF crew chief.


Timothy R   {K:3028} 3/26/2004
A great photo of what was a landmark to achievement and is now a landmark to stupidity and many mistakes. I don't mind the political statement, in fact I agree with it.

As artists, we make such commentary in our art and our thoughts.

Thank you!


Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 3/26/2004
Dear Neil, I think you got it all backwards.The fact that some of the most beautiful, modern, well known architecture in the world is gone forever,not to mention all the lives snufted out in horrible deaths and what that did in countless, very painful and negatives ways to the families and friends of all those who died is "the big motivation behind posting the photo"(the 9/11 investigation hearings going on this week sparked my memory) Where's the political statements? I'm just stating facts.If some of these FACTS bother you then ask yourself why.I tried very hard just to state facts and keep the politics out of it. Sorry you took it the wrong way.The time for mourning over 9/11 is over.Now it's time for answers as to how NO ONE seemed to be on their game that day (and many times before 9/11 overseas).My tax money pays for these so called "professionals" and I want to know why they can't do their job and not get fired the next day.In the "real world" they'd be long gone working at "Hotdog on a Stick" or somewhere.Anyway,Neil,have a nice day.Cheers,Mark


Neil Dolman   {K:26883} 3/26/2004
I like the photo, but i'm not sure this is the forum for political statements. Which having read yours seems to be the big motivation behind the photo! Regards Neil




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