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Model 2
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Image Title:  Model 2
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 By: Bjorn Beheydt  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Bjorn Beheydt {Karma:12096}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon EOS 50
Categories People
Film Format
Portfolio Models
Lens EF 28-80
Uploaded 1/28/2004 Film / Memory Type dx200
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 428 Shutter 1/60
Favorites Aperture f8
Critiques 8 Rating
/ 3 Ratings
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About Some more results from my first Studio and model shoot. The lighting was not the best, as the photography club apparently measured something wrong. Alot of the other visitors who gave it a try had totally messed up results. I was able to save some stuff by adjusting the levels.
Please give me all your comments, and rate me honestly, not nicely.
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There are 8 Comments in 1 Pages
Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 1/30/2004
Bjorn, yes, the lighting is flat. I wouldn't have cut off the top of her head like that. But hey, at least she's *trying* to smile in this shot.


Bjorn Beheydt   {K:12096} 1/30/2004
Actually, the shoot was a few months ago, and I immediately posted the results of that, which I was pleased of. Now, after seeing alot of other people's shoots, and after the forumthread about cropping of the top of the head, I decided to throw these in without cropping, so as they came out of the camera, even though I was not pleased with the cropping. Indeed, for this picture, and the other two, I agree, the feet should've been included. I am not sure as to how come they are not there too nervous to see it at that time? Did I see it but made an error somewhere? Not sure. However, Elangs, thatnk you very much regarding the advice regarding cropping/cutting. And Matej, thanks for your reworked version of the picture, I must say I like the crop of the lower part, but topping off her head still doesn't seem right to me. I would use cropping off the top of the head only for face-shots, not for this kind of stuff.
Anyway, the reason why I posted these here is to get response, reactions, hints, tips and comments that I can use in my upcomming shoot, and I succeeded in getting those comments :-) Thanks to you all, I will post another few pictures of that first shoot, and will definately post some of the next one.


Elangovan S   {K:10675} 1/29/2004
Bjorn... forgot to talk about the lighting and model... both are nice. Try Fuji Astia films. I m sure you would love that. Recently, i tried astia for window light portraits.. boy, i fell love with that film. Its a fantastic stuff.



Elangovan S   {K:10675} 1/29/2004
Bjorn, My course material / instructor say "dont crop/cut at joints. If you include upto ankles include the foot as well... If you include wrist you better include fingers as well" ... Traditionally, there are 3 or 4 length poses... Head and shoulder, 1/2 length - just above the waist, 3/4 length - above the knee and full lenth - include the foot and head as well :-)... as far as the face is concercened, full face - shows both the ears, 2/3rd - shows one ear, or profile.

OK... well... rest, you figure out. :-)



Jamie Ferguson   {K:6284} 1/28/2004
Nice job Bjorn, she has a decent pose on her, I would have gotten her to twist her body more towards the camera and her neck a little less to show off her figure better. Aside from the lighting which makes her look a bit grey you've done well.


Matej Maceas Matej Maceas   {K:24381} 1/28/2004
A couple of hours later, I've come to the conclusion that my crop is lacking in terms of a balanced amount of space to the left and to the right of the model. Imagine the frame moved more to the left :-)


Matej Maceas Matej Maceas   {K:24381} 1/28/2004
This is strange. I can't see a lot of difference between the skin tones in this photo and the other two, but the blacks are much better here. Would that have something to do with the way you've adjusted the levels? If so, I think you could do similar adjustments with the other two photos.

As for the composition, I'm wondering about the framing. You've included so much legs but not the feet - do you like it that way, or did you not notice this, or is there some other reason? Cropping off such a tiny bit of her head was not the best choice IMO, but if the EOS 50 is anything like the EOS 500, you probably saw a more decisive crop in the viewfinder (why anyone would want to manufacture viewfinders with less than 100% coverage remains a mystery to me). Anyway, I've come up with this alternative crop. What do you think?

I like her pose here. I also wouldn't mind seeing a version with her head leaning slightly forward as if she wanted to take an inconspicuous peek at what's happening behind her. I'm not saying it would necessarily be an improvement, it's just an idea.


Sasa Petrovic   {K:813} 1/28/2004
This is better exposed photo.




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