Michael Alexander
{K:5293} 8/24/2004
simply sureal, awesome shot Natta! i had to print this one, i want to see this for myself someday, and shoot it. ~Mike
{K:5882} 5/7/2004
Fantastic photograph Natta ...... Great capture.I was first exposed to this wonder .. in 1955 .. while stationed in Iceland. I didnt have a camera .. nor the photo interest.. and would just stand there and stare. Thanks for the memories.And congrats to you .. for this photograph.
~~~~~~~~~ Best ... Bill
{K:9693} 5/7/2004
I can not understand how the trees and the stars are freshed with 16 seconds...
{K:9693} 5/7/2004
wow!! how did you get this? wonderful. cheers
Alberto Calheiros
{K:2647} 4/8/2004
Lindíssima,gosto muito disto,as cores são fantásticas! Parabéns!
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 4/7/2004
Uauuhhh !! Isto sim que é um céu maravilhoso.
Dave M
{K:9043} 2/23/2004
This is very, very beautiful. Have you ever considered cropping about an inch from bottom? Might tighten this up a bit... excellent work.
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 2/17/2004
See, if I had just looked through your portfolio more, I would have seen that you know what I meant with your other aurora shot. This is another stunning image. Love the silhouette of the wheat/ grass.
Alex Teller
{K:8286} 1/27/2004
Great picture, so dreamy, so soft, from another planet in the universe. In three words: THE ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE! Alex
Paul Schleif
{K:418} 1/25/2004
Many people have submitted photos of the northern lights...but you have accomplished what many of them couldn't...a composition that connected the show with earth-bound beauty in the landscape. Nice work!....congratulations.....paul
Teresa Moore
{K:11063} 1/25/2004
Great capture, and I love the colors.
Bradley Prue
{K:30678} 1/25/2004
Natta, this is beautiful! Your hard work was well worth it. The colors are awesome, and your choice of shooting angles was right on! ...Brad
Sandor Botor
{K:1175} 1/25/2004
Wow! This is very nice!
Witold Spisz
{K:1293} 1/25/2004
Very good hard work !!!