Marc Gougenheim
{K:5398} 12/4/2002
I'm an absolute nut when it comes to sport photography, but for what it's worth (i.e not much, I'm affraid), I like this one the best among you car shots. Regards.
Mark Scheuern
{K:1428} 11/22/2002
Thanks, everyone! I agree about the crop. Tilting the camera works pretty well here, too; it cuts out some of the sky and fills the diagonal with the car. It's a nice place to shoot and you see a lot of Mid-Ohio shots taken from here. There are photo holes all the way down the hill but it still gets pretty crowded with shooters. There's a pole just out of the frame in front of the car and avoiding getting that in the shot is challenging, and in previous years the TV guys had a *really* tall tv tower that just wrecked it.
I can't wait for the season to start again either and I agree, Mid-Ohio's a very fun place!
Sarah Needham
{K:2482} 11/22/2002
Mark, I just love your racing pictures. The detail here is amazing, and I agree about not cloning out the power lines. I only clone when I've got specs of dust on the print.
sean slavin
{K:3488} 11/21/2002
very nice. that's such a fun track. making me jealous. 8)
Marc Robin
{K:3385} 11/21/2002
Awesome shot. I agree with Steve. A bit off the bottom too maybe, i find that big yellow sideline a bit distracting. but what do I know? :-) I really like how you see his hand on the steering wheel! i didn't know they drive like that. Cheers, Marc
Steve Kompier
{K:4629} 11/21/2002
Ahh..can't wait until next season. Nice, low angle. The powerlines are not bad. I'm thinking you could tighten the image up by cropping some sky.
Deb Mayes
{K:19605} 11/21/2002
Pretty cool. Nice, clear, sharp - love the limited dof that does what it can for the power lines. And no, I wouldn't PS them out, either. Nice job!