Christmas Eve 2003. The family gathers for some fun Christmas photos. Thirty seconds later, the grandkids are bored. They run around the house in a candy cane and Christmas cookie induced frenzy. A mother tries in vein to round them up. Meanwhile, the grandparents recall the times when it was them frantically chasing. They reminisce about having the energy. About how their kids wouldn't sit still for thirty seconds. About how their parents sat back and chuckled. They sit back...(click). My favorite photo of my Mom and Dad together.
Great moment preserved forever. Aside from all the artistic endeavors we pursue with photography there is nothing more satisfying that preserving a special moment with film. I really like the capture of emotion. The skin tones are excellent. It would be ideal to capture more of their face, but you don't always get the idea with candid shots. Great photo!
they look so nice and happy together.. i wish them a long life.. it reminds me to take life easy and try to make the most out of it to leave nice momeries in the future.. remarkable job TOM... my regards to u and to them (for real, let them know) ;)
Great snapshot TOM!!! These are the shot of the life because when your parents will be in another dimension you, lokking at this shot will remembre exactly the smell, the atmosphere and you will be happy .....