Strange how this one turned out. It looks somewhat unnatural (grainy, maybe?), but all I really did to it was add a slight contrast and tried to correct an oppressive green cast to the photo. Thanks, everyone, for giving me some great critiques on my last couple of photos. Just when I get jaded about such things, I find people out there who are really keen. It's *always* appreciated. :)
I like this one a lot, too, Becky! I don't see excessive grain at all - it does have a kind of 'embossed' look to it, though (maybe from sharpening?) but I think that's one of the things that makes it look really cool! There's still a slight green cast to it but, again, I think it adds rather than detracts - and may be another thing that's adding dimension to the photo.
becky, I love the title to this picture. : ) I see what you mean by the unnatural look due to the grain, I really like it! It almost seems like it's painted... Nice composition, and great colors. WEll done!
Becky, A very nice shot. It does seem a bit unnatural but as Kim already stated that makes it a great poster. You really have to watch twice before you can make up your mind up on what is 'wrong' with it (I can't find anything wrong with it, but still, this shot has to be looked at at least twice... ;-) ).
Thnx for your comments on my shot as well, I've immediately started shooting some more.
Composition is very good, only alternative might have been to include the tips of the two petals that are neighbors to the one with the tip visible. I think that it may be the contrast that you see that makes this "unnatural". I would not have phrased it that way since I think it is an asset of this photo. Maybe more :-)
Thank you very much for your perceptive comments on my recent refraction photos, you formulated things for me that I had seen but not yet put words to.
It doesn't look grainy here, to me. But it is screaming for a dry brush filter treatment... just to play around and see! Being a lover of yellow flowers, I think this shot is right on the money. Perfect sharpness, detail and colour. This is a wall hanger, for sure.