Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 8/15/2006
A great composition beautiful photograph Dennis !! regards jo
Dennis Komis
{K:3160} 12/11/2003
to charles - i see you've got some eggleston type photos in your portfolio as well - i think there must be something about the south that inspires this kind of shooting. as for this particular picture i think i might've used kodacolor (this bunch was shot back in Aug. '02) but the original turned out pretty flat - the copy you see here was reworked in PS- regards, d
Chuck Freeman
{K:13616} 12/11/2003
another Wm. Eggleston type photo. He made a lot of them in Miss and used Kodacolor film and Leica and some Nikon I think.
Khoi Nguyen
{K:8700} 11/14/2003
Wonderful scenery and colors.
David Orea
{K:5292} 11/14/2003
Very nice colors and composition. I agree with Blaze's comment. Regards.
Blaze Sorbara
{K:25} 11/13/2003
great image. It's amazing how much the car changes the whole idea od the photo.