Gary, Thanks for noticing that I haven't posted recently, that makes me feel missed here ... almost like I have a home here. To answer your question ... I've sold my camera on ebay with some very nice additional equipment. Besides the USA Nikon D1 kit, I included an extra battery, a digital wallet, a 128MB Sandisk CF card, lamanated cards, printed Nikon D1 FAQ and bound in nice booklet, and finally some personally developed code that generates HTML proof contact sheets from thumbs with full sized images behind them ... of course the code is smart about "adding to" the contact sheet if you take more images that belong in that folder's sorted subject. The code creates one contact sheet per folder and a Master Table of Contents of all your current contact sheets. I got a nice price for the whole kit ... then again, the buyer got a lot more than the camera from me, he got free service as he's able to pick up the phone and pick my brain about the details of how to squeeze the most quality from the camera from the raw CCD information ... as that was the mode I shot the camera in.
In short ... I've not been posting as I'm on a 6 week waiting list to get the new Nikon D1x ... projected to be delivered end of Aug. I'll BE GOING THROUGH WITHDRAWAL WITHOUT A CAMERA. Anyway the check is in the mail ... so the camera is sold and I have a tendency to not use it anymore ...
Almost Richard......your lighting is consistantly good .....which normally is not the case........ you got some very cool mushrooms around your yard.......back in the 60's we had some very creative uses for those.......something about grinding....rolling paper and a match......but than the mushrooms were more yellow with pink and green polka dots