Barry Hall
{K:378} 5/25/2004
Great close-up shot! Amazing amount of expression conveyed with the minimum of image.
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 4/30/2004
Megan McCluskey
{K:3762} 12/15/2003
James, I was quite impressed with a comment you made about a series of angel shots and so went to your portfolio. I found your biography words even more interesting. Your words struck home with me because that is exactly the quality I look for when I want to really "look" at a photo and so to when I try to shoot. I'm not quite there yet.
This shot stood out for me because of the closeness presented. Not only physically but personally. Very well done.
Sincerely, meg
Chris Nichols
{K:7068} 12/15/2003
fantastic detail!
james mckenna
{K:6535} 11/25/2003
no no no! jeez, kat, you are going to find digital artifacts no matter what, aren't you? i'm a film guy. the images here are just scans that i clean up and save as jpgs. no manipulation other than cloning out dust and adjusting for the loss of density and highlights that happens with scanning. the lower part of the photo is heavy with grain--i'm holding the print in front of me and seeing it right now. it's odd that tri-x resolves finer detail (individual hairs) than the grain would seem to support, but that's what's happening here.
kathleen fonseca
{K:11992} 11/25/2003
mm..James, coincidentally, just now i applied the sharpening filter to one of my images..i looked closely at it and saw the same kind of artifacts spread over my image that are present on yours. i undid the sharpening action and poof, the noise disappeared as well. Did you sharpen your image? Could that be what this is from?
kathleen fonseca
{K:11992} 11/25/2003
hmm, i don't know, James..it looks like digital noise to me as opposed to film grain. i don't shoot with film so couldn't say about the tri-x business. The artifacts arn't what you see from oversharpening and not the kind of moire distortion stuff that happens in thumbnails. It's a vague grid of very bright linear blotches. i saw these artifacts once in one of William's images too. Maybe you could bounce this off him (?). It's most obvious at the point where her lower lip starts and down to the bottom of the image from there. It doesn't detract from the image because i can attribute it to some digital doo-hickey and ignore it but it would be interesting to know what's causing it. kat~
james mckenna
{K:6535} 11/25/2003
thanks for your praise, kat. you're right about my photos being intimate. i kind of don't watch what i'm 'saying' in my pictures, so they tend to reveal a lot. btw, i have no jpg originals, so i guess i'm saving these at too high a compression. this is a tri-x negative, though, so maybe what you're seeing is old-fashioned grain. tri-x has a weird characteristic of showing detail that's finer than the grain structure. this is, of course, impossible, but i see it all the time, and it's especially obvious in this image.
kathleen fonseca
{K:11992} 11/25/2003
wow, i agree with the rest! i hadn't opened this before so forgive me for coming late to the party, James! This is truly beautiful and emphasizes even further the almost epic nature of the larger project that this is a part of. The hair, the texture of lips and skin, the shallow depth of field melt me. You have the most intimate relationship with your work. i almost feel i am peeking through a keyhole into your bedroom when i see work like this. One thing and it must be your scanner, there are JPG artifacts in this image that distort its purity. i can't believe they are in your original however so i'll just chalk it up to digital compression and all that blah-blah :))) btw..i left you a response on your comment to my image, "Mist Over Potato Field" You were so right on in your reaction to that image that you actually made me blush. thanks so much..kat~
Marcio Cabral
{K:12496} 10/31/2003
Very nice close James!! regards!!
Arthur Z
{K:5328} 10/29/2003
James....this is gorgeous......!!!
Gini Kosztika
{K:356} 10/29/2003
arte e fotographia, lavoro meraviglioso..
{K:32791} 10/29/2003
I agree with you and Hakan - I think the DOF is wonderful...
Paco Ferrer
{K:8586} 10/29/2003
Impressive close up!
Doctor Dark
{K:164} 10/28/2003
Nice shot James. The wisk of hair sets it off nicely. Lets see digital get those lovely tones in grayscale, yea right. LOL
shelby koning
{K:5450} 10/28/2003
beautiful work, a study of lines and texture.
.l m,.
{K:519} 10/28/2003
This one is my favorite of the three as well. The texture and detail of the lips with the shallow DOF creates a very dramatic image. Very well done. I really enjoy your work.
james mckenna
{K:6535} 10/28/2003
thanks, hakan. this one moves me most, too.
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 10/28/2003
This is My favorite of the 3 photos that you posted today.Beautiful work.