Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 5/12/2003
Nice chess abstract! Very original and clever work!
Aiman Nassar
{K:11961} 10/18/2002
Sounds like I'm really trying hard, to get the two knight back to the same chekerboard, here is the last scannig, of the first one, which I like most
Miles .
{K:896} 9/27/2002
Hi, Aiman, sorry for taking a while to get back. I think that last picture is the best of the bunch. The low down perspective, the slightly out of focus effect and the background. ... In truth I thought that three of the four samples you posted were very good and only personal choice would separate them .... the only one I didn't like was the third sample you posted. Good work, I admire your patience and will to get it right. Thanks for sharing. Miles
Aiman Nassar
{K:11961} 9/26/2002
I'm sorry if I'm still pushing on that picture, but I just wanted to share with all of you that one, I still feel that I can do better, and I'm here to learn, and I do appreciate your feed back. Here is some kind of a dramatic background, created by reflecting mirrors. using a long shutter 20" for a tungestin bulb, and a 1/2 stop flash to reduce the yellow cast. if you think this is better, I will replace it with the current original one.
Miles .
{K:896} 9/25/2002
Hey Aiman, I opened up all three variations of your picture on the screen side by side. I did like the original. The strong blue lighting on the black knight drew me to the picture in the first instance and the low down perspective and out of focus image retained the eye.
I liked the second variation which you posted better precisely because it has less blur and seemed to me to be a cleaner image. The black knight being quite sharp but the white knight being out of focus.
However I can see that some people would like the lower perspective and greater degree of blur better. I can also see what you mean by loosing the drama by tuning out the blur and making the image sharper. Its a personal thing. Its what makes photography such a good hobby.
That last variation seems to have a little disturbance on the left side, might be in the scanning or the file compression. Very good work
Aiman Nassar
{K:11961} 9/25/2002
thank you all for your comments... Miles, I did the exersize, and re photographed the two knights again and again, using a slide film this time(ektachorme 100), and tryed all depth of fields... tungstin lights, and flahs with transmetter, side lighting it.... and I realy got some very sharp pictures... but I think I loose the drama... I attached here one of the trials, please tell me what do you think of it
Miles .
{K:896} 9/21/2002
I prefer the repost (in your comment) better. I think that just that little bit more detail compared to the original is better.
Aiman Nassar
{K:11961} 9/20/2002
Thank you Afzal, and I would try to take another shot of the same two (to-be) friend knights... I tried another one, I posted here, with the normal prespecitve, and the white kight is more in foreground, and the blue one is more in focus. the kodak profoto 100 is really good for portaiture, but it doesn't give the sufficent sharpness requried here... I prefere Fuji Reala on that close ups vived subjects, sharper, and more colorful... I think it worth a trial any way, it gives a very pleasent smooth skin tones thank you again a
Afzal H Mohamed
{K:909} 9/20/2002
Great idea and composition! Was just thinking that a little bit more detail in the white knight just to vaguely outline its shape would have helped it more? It seems too indistinct to me now. How do you find the kodak profoto 100 film as against the gold or royal gold? I am considering a pack of 5 soon... thanks and regards
Nermin Habib
{K:61} 9/20/2002
i showed this pic to fiance. it's very cool i smiled becasue i knew the trick from before. ps: THANKS 4 UR COMMENT(S)
Sarah Needham
{K:2482} 9/20/2002
This is an interesting perspective, and a very graphic image.
I like it.