Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 9/21/2003
Very nice macro! Great find!
Robson Zumkeller Campos
{K:4071} 9/19/2003
Its so beautiful, the composition is superior, imho i think a little out of focus, but a great shot!
Jytte Kristensen
{K:446} 9/18/2003
Hi, this is a wonderful macro, but what are these things, I mean I shoot a lot of crawling small things, but I do not remind to have seen such nice ones, great photo regards Jytte
Taco heikamp
{K:3030} 9/17/2003
Aparte opname van deze mini-stinkdiertjes. Mooi plaatje, maar was met iets meer scherpte nog mooier geweest.
Richard Thornton
{K:26442} 9/17/2003
Strange critters! Nice diagonal composition. Possibly, you could have moved to eliminate the bright white background. A little more dof would be even better.
{K:16195} 9/17/2003
Great capture once again. Regards, Hayri ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 9/17/2003
Excellent and interesting macro...........regards Kaj nielsen
- simos -
{K:9354} 9/16/2003
Excellent diagonal composition, imteresting macro...little soft....regards, simo
{K:193} 9/16/2003
I love this "parents and dad?s" walk!!! I can remind my childhood: My parents and I walkink around.....
Lucas Macedo
{K:12843} 9/16/2003
Excellent composition with very good definition and colors,Teunis! ( what insects are those? ) Regards! ..... Lucas
ClaÜdia Garza
{K:963} 9/16/2003
I love the colors! excellent composition, regards Clau
Alan Orr
{K:9671} 9/16/2003
Very nice and interesting macro. That being said.What the heck are those things?