Vairoj Arun
{K:19} 4/23/2003
Oh, sorry, I didn't read other comments. It's really watercolor :-( How stupid I am.
Vairoj Arun
{K:19} 4/23/2003
Love the effect! It looks like the real-watercolor. Would love the see the original photo (don't tell me it's watercolor!).
Richard Walters
{K:480} 5/29/2001
So you cant tell if its the photographer's talent or the talent of the artist, huh? We'll both take that as compliment.
I would encourate you to look at better detail in the photograph from this website to better judge:
please reply again from this if you get a chance to view it. Also realize that he unstapled the paper from the frame, and I didn't crop that from the photograph of the artpiece, hence the staple scars are typically unseen in the frame.
Deleted User
{K:2231} 5/29/2001
Sorry, Richard.. my mistake.. i just glanced at the photo and saw the name Steve. Sorry.
I sometimes find the best contrast and sharpness occurs somewhere around f/5.6 on a f/2.8 lens with my nikkors altough lots of tech specs seem to show f/8 to be optimal.
Thanks for the link.. I'll check it out!
Richard Walters
{K:480} 5/29/2001
Artie, To see more ... you may go to his website: http://www.mc.edu/campus/users/sglaze/
However, I'm posting better photos than they have ( they have not started using my photos on his college web site as they don't have the space ). Right now, I only have two up ... funny because I just took down about 9 others ... I'll post them again ... go to: http://home.jam.rr.com/richimages/sg_watercolors/sg_watercolors_01.htm to view large samples ... be forewarned that these images are not for slow connections ... watch this same site and I'll post the other 9 or so images later.
BTW, steve's wife ruth glaze is also an artist and does 3D art work ... I posted a 3d piece of pottery earlier ... as seen in my usefilm portfollio. They both are exceptional persons ... ruth also help me paint my studio backgrounds.
Richard Walters
{K:480} 5/29/2001
Dave, one more comment ... Steve Glaze is the artist ... I'm the photographer documenting the works he ask me to do ... my name is Richard ... :) not a big deal ... I get people confussed as well.
Richard Walters
{K:480} 5/29/2001
Dave, I'm glad that you asked that question. Actually this is the best aperature to have shot this ... going greater would only degraded the final image. Here's why; ( and most photographers dont know this )Going with a smaller aperature does indeed increase DOF but smaller aps aren't the SHARPEST focus ... since this work is 2D ... great DOF isn't necessary ... I looked at the specs of my lens ... the nikon 50mm lens has the SHARPEST FOCUS at f7.6 ... I shot at f 8.0 ( and this is typical for most primes ). For more information on this ... go to: http://www.photodo.com/nav/artindex.html and read the link called "Improved Sharpness" YOu might want to glace thru all articles there for other useful info that can technically help take better photos.
Artie Colantuono
{K:12275} 5/29/2001
Richard.....I really like the Artist's style and vision.....how can I see more of it and inquire about purchase of some..........
Deleted User
{K:2231} 5/29/2001
Steve.. excuse my ignorance.. but I noticed that you shot this at f/8.. wondering why such a small aperature for a flat image.. wouldn't the lens perform better at a slightly larger one? I assume that lens construction concepts are the same for digital cameras and lenses..
Just wondering!
This shot is making me wonder about the watercolor filters in photoshop.. maybe try some on some photos.. this painting is quite impressive.
Richard Walters
{K:480} 5/29/2001
Artie, Steve Glaze is a local college professor. He produces artworks like these continually. He ask me to document some of his work, I've photographed about 15 or so favorites for him. He paints themes from his childhood that seem to center around stong family ties, hard work, hard times, and christianity. In short, yes this is one of his watercolors, he also does bronze sculptures.
Artie Colantuono
{K:12275} 5/28/2001
Richard, is this a photo you did of a water color or is this effect you created.....either case really nice.