Jason A. Cina
{K:-51} 8/21/2003
What a great image; the orientation is what makes it unique, dynamic angles.
Kobi Eshun
{K:62} 8/20/2003
Clever presentation.
lisa .
{K:9370} 8/12/2003
wow...this one is really good!!!! love this one!
Dirck DuFlon
{K:35779} 8/12/2003
Very cool shot, Leandro - great idea to display it inverted like this! The figures look like supernatural creatures! The texture of the tiled sidewalk is wonderful, and really well enhanced by the angle of the sun. The only thing that distracts me a little is the large dark area in the lower-right. Very good!
jake griffin
{K:3439} 8/12/2003
most interesting image of the day
José Eduardo Cruz
{K:13180} 8/12/2003
Very beautifull composition!!!!!
Joao Luc
{K:513} 8/12/2003
Ò meu grande careca, podes bem perceber que estas coisas que se enfiam por aqui para os camones verem, nada tem a ver com as fotografias que nós fazemos. Se visses o original daquela não davas nada por ela. Se estivesses estado no local onde a disparei perguntar-te-ias porque razão sairam imagens tão fraquitas. Eu respondo-te e ilumino-te. Se fossem slides ou se fosse de noite, ficavam bem melhor... :)
Já agora que raio de macro de florzinha é esta? :p
João Figueiredo
{K:7674} 8/12/2003
Deleted User
{K:601} 8/12/2003
Uwe Bachmann
{K:10222} 8/11/2003
Great perspective and greyscale. The shadows are really well captured and composed. Great work!
Marcin Gorski
{K:12388} 8/11/2003
excellently framed capture
André Bermak
{K:14443} 8/11/2003
Boa captura e ângulo.....