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~Pinhole Dreams 2~
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Image Title:  ~Pinhole Dreams 2~
Favorites: 3 
 By: Terry McCully  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Terry McCully {Karma:9221}
Project #17 Toy Camera Camera Model Home Made Coffee Tin Pinhole
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Pinhole Images
Lens none
Uploaded 7/15/2003 Film / Memory Type Kodak 5x7 Photo paper (13 years old)
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1809 Shutter 1 min
Favorites Aperture ???
Critiques 29 Rating
/ 11 Ratings
Location City - 
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About This time I got a scanner so this one was scanned at 1200dpi. I used PhotoShop to remove the dirt, dust etc. Camera was a coffee tin pinhole camera that I made myself. This one was scanned at 1200dpi and is different than my other pinhole submitted to "Project: 34 - The Toy Camera II" as ~Pinhole Dreams~ was un altered.

There is a very interesting story that goes along with the Photo paper that was used here. It was my Grandfathers unopened paper that we dated to be at least 13 years old!!! Sorry about the mix up but it was not the Ilford but the Kodak paper used for this one!
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There are 29 Comments in 1 Pages
Kelly    {K:20268} 12/3/2004
Wow Terry you certainly have an extremely impressive portfolio..... you are very good.... keep on shooting, i look forward to seeing what you post.
cheers mate


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 5/30/2004
I am very impressed with your pinhole series, you're extremely creative and talented! Wonderful photo, and also interesting story behind!


Petros Pavlopoulos   {K:366} 5/10/2004
Many thanks for your king comments. This photo is excellent. I specially appreciate the relatively high quality. It seems that you have constructed a very good pinhole.


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 2/27/2004


John Strazza   {K:11535} 2/13/2004
yes Terry - in answer to your question about making a camera - i had made a wonderful one in phtography/art school -- Ansel Adams had writen a wonderful book with a chapter devoted to pinhole work .. i used his plans - the results were excellent ... i use the camera i use now because it is small and i am in public (nyc) with thousands of paranoid people who if they were to see something like a tin coffee can would start to worry about bombs etc.. needless to say it's a problem where i am working - so for me a small pinhole is what i need to blend in - in fact i'm even concidering a newer model that 35mm very small buit quite good...


Jimmy Payne   {K:21163} 2/12/2004
Terry, I have viewed your other pinhole photos posted here. All I can add is that I'm amazed by your work.


The Critic   {K:238} 2/10/2004
Terry. This shot too is a stunning one. Not as unique as your Pinhole Dreams, but it stands well enough on its own. I like the tree as it dances in the wind. Looks like you have a scanner now. After reading the information, I see this was taken on 13 year old paper. Now that is a story in itself as well. Not as long as your 3 min shutter but still just as sharp.


maria elisa duque   {K:1503} 2/9/2004
great series,
I was looking at them when you wrote to me
am also looking on the best photograph What are the prizes? heh just wondering

thankyou for your comment too


Kevin J   {K:48} 2/2/2004
I haven't done pinhole since I did photography in high school.. the exposure time on this one was just right.. love it..


dwight Marshall   {K:326} 10/3/2003
Nice pinhole work..


Stefan Rohner   {K:4200} 9/1/2003
very nice place....!


Dave M   {K:9043} 7/29/2003
A subtle dream. Remarkable work with a pinhole. I adore the effect. Frame it.


R. W.   {K:508} 7/22/2003
very dreamlike landscape & atmoshere, nice tone also ...


j w   {K:12641} 7/21/2003
Another pinhole beauty, Terry! Again, it's your eye that brings it all together -- can't wait to see more of these. I have a can in the back of my car . . . One of these days I'll get out the drill and the duct tape. It's wonderful stuff!


Gaetan Chevalier   {K:4188} 7/21/2003
Wonderful photo with very special mood. Well done.


Rob Holschbach Rob Holschbach   {K:2748} 7/20/2003
This is outstanding pinhole work Terry. The tonning is great. I'm very suprised to see a pinhole create such a majestic image on photo paper. Keep them comming... They're very good!
Reguards, Rob


Arthur Z   {K:5328} 7/18/2003
Terry: *oh* *my* I love this!!!! I love how the sky spills into the detail of the trees and the cabin...really lovely, this is the type of image which just wrenches me you know, it evokes memories, or imagined memories at least, of another time....Also I replied to your comments of my image, I hope you might have a moment to read it...thank you for your work! :) d


Andreas Wolkerstorfer   {K:5090} 7/16/2003
good good


Ursula I Abresch   {K:6515} 7/16/2003
Terry, your pinhole pictures are beautiful!!! Where do you find instructions for making something like that, I would love to try this. I've been working with cyanotype (a bit) and it's FUN!



Zelda Zabrinsky Zelda Zabrinsky   {K:3036} 7/16/2003
another magical dreaming shot, I like the research work and who makes research :)


MaryBell    {K:32791} 7/16/2003
Terry -

Not as effective as the first - not nearly dramatic but still a nice shot!!


I found the same site - it is interesting and I want to try it but with a small child at home - I am not sure I have the time or am ready to commit - I am hoping to get a pinhole lens cap for my slr. Thanks for the comments about your digital - I was leaning that way myself you are the second person who has essentially suggested the same thing to me.


Mike Marcotte   {K:3948} 7/15/2003
This is my next project, pinhole. Instead of going digital I'm going the other way. Should be doing Tin-Types before too long. Terry, I think this is great. I want to give this a try.


Betsy Hern   {K:12872} 7/15/2003
Thanks for the info, I use Google all the time, then find I am up way past my bedtime. I'm getting another medium format camera this week and after I work with that for awhile I am definitely going to try the pinhole. Better start eating my oatmeal so the box is empty by the time I want to make my camera.


Terry McCully   {K:9221} 7/15/2003
Thanks for all your comments everyone. Betsy... I started by looking up "Pinhole Photography" on Google and found all I had to know. There is a good site out there about "Oatmeal box pinhole photography" that I followed to make my cameras and it explained how to develop and stop and fix the pictures...I?m still learning too though.


Betsy Hern   {K:12872} 7/15/2003
Dreamy image - all that a pinhole shot should be and more. Coloring and composition is great, love the empty space almost as much as the actual image. Are there any websites or books you would recommend on pinholes?


Stephen Rogers Stephen Rogers   {K:3370} 7/15/2003
Another great job. The Pin hole camera is really taking these images to the next level as it seems to date the image. Nice capture.


Jamie Ferguson   {K:6284} 7/15/2003
It looks better cleaned up, given the self imposed "technology" you're working with Terry I think some post processing doesn't hurt.

I'm always fascinated by what pinhole photography does, it has such an ethereal quality to it.


michelle k.   {K:16270} 7/15/2003
wow terry, it's gorgeous... i like the haze and the timeless look..


Paul Shaw   {K:67} 7/15/2003
Nice shot, I love the composition. It must be hard to take these types of shots, as you can not see what the camera is seeing. The fact that this is a homemade Camera make this shot truly unique.

Terry, you are very creative! Your homemade Camera takes some mighty nice shots. Your sense of composition is great. You are a true photographer. I think I will build a pinhole camera and try it out. Keep on shooting.




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