Anne Brown
{K:833} 8/29/2003
Another beauty. What colors and detail!
GP Merfeld
{K:14396} 7/29/2003
An incredible abstract, with perfect color, tone, detail, and composition. Another winner. You rock, John!
Ken Richardson
{K:1381} 7/6/2003
I like the light and or dodoge/burn. Great composition and color. Wonderful abstract with the lone bit of yellow mixed with the otherwise dull rocks. Well done.
Gil Draper
{K:3194} 7/6/2003
Exceptionally fine interpitation of something most of us walk right by. Excellent eye and presentation.
Bikas Das
{K:6544} 7/6/2003
Excellent visualization, absolute command on art, form and color. Full marks...regards. Bikas.
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 7/6/2003
perfect in colors very tasty, indeed :)
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 7/6/2003
Nice colors and nice detail!!You have nice eye!!From just only usual materials,you make beautiful abstract!
Giuseppe Di Pierro
{K:5911} 7/6/2003
nice contras of colors, i like the quality of yellow, and i like the sobject!!! bravo