Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 7/3/2003
Smuk solnedgang og nydeligt componeret......Venlig hilsen Kaj Nielsen
donato r.
{K:16361} 6/30/2003
Magnifici colori per un magnifico tramonto! Gran bella foto! ciao donato
{K:16195} 6/29/2003
Fantastic moment and beautiful magical sunset. I like it. Regards, Hayri.
Peppino Bonu
{K:7607} 6/29/2003
A splendid picture, warm sky colours and reflections in a peaceful place. Clouds and position of the boat enrich and complete very well this composition, congratulations. Regards, Peppino.
Sylvia H.
{K:22195} 6/28/2003
Just wonderful!!!!! Regards, Sylvia
Lucas Macedo
{K:12843} 6/28/2003
Wonderful colors and composition, Jytte! Perfect lighting control. The left foreground silhouette bushes provide an excellent depth reference. Great shot! ..... Lucas
Joksa Juoperi
{K:13473} 6/28/2003
Beautiful! Regards, Joksa.
Giorgio Cardoni
{K:2191} 6/28/2003
bellissimo questo tramonto con i suoi colori cosė caldi . la barca con il suo profilo ha contribuito a renderlo molto interessante. caio Giorgio---very beautiful this sunset with his/her so warm colors. the boat with its profile has contributed to make him/it very interesting. hi G--
Anders Skoglund
{K:261} 6/28/2003
Nice light in this picture! Good composition. Regards/Anders