Rafal K. Komierowski
{K:6441} 6/22/2003
Beautiful macro. Well presented observation! Wspaniale podpatrzylas i zareprezentowalas to ujecie....
matthew kinslow
{K:2525} 6/21/2003
weird more bug porn... damn porn addicts kewl colors though and excellent macro
jean E marre
{K:1577} 6/21/2003
always fun, the "caught in the act"-pictures... great macro!
Nando Mondino
{K:14261} 6/21/2003
NIce macro!
Ricardo Barros
{K:233} 6/21/2003
Beautiful macro! The colours and details are so nice!
Uri Gil Cohen
{K:494} 6/21/2003
Amazing and beautiful moment and photo. congs. uri
Kasinath Basu
{K:-172} 6/21/2003
Great shot - regards -Kasinath
Rob Patrick
{K:2177} 6/21/2003
Outstanding macro!
Eva Backlund
{K:2374} 6/21/2003
Very nice macro, very good colours and sharpness.
Peppino Bonu
{K:7607} 6/21/2003
Very beautiful capture, magic moment, congratulations.
Maurizio Massetti
{K:30463} 6/21/2003
Are erotic pictures allowed here????? Hi, hi, hi.... Very nice shot, excellent details and tones. Superb depth of field! MM
Fabio Cerati
{K:2068} 6/21/2003
Amazing Capture with fantastic colors and details.
Stephen Rogers
{K:3370} 6/21/2003
Nice macro. I have one of a bee but did not seem to have it is clear and sharp as yours. Nice capture.
Dave Deacon
{K:4053} 6/21/2003
Little bug-gers? Good macro shot.
Sarah Moustafa
{K:4456} 6/21/2003
Nice details and colors, good macro.
Steven Lilly
{K:302} 6/21/2003
Nice macro! He ain't heavy, he's my aphid....