rami rami
{K:2201} 10/21/2003
najsik :)
Gregory Fiedler
{K:15439} 10/17/2003
Ragnhildur Ragnars
{K:1573} 10/17/2003
Wonderful image. The poor thing looks exhausted. Time for a nap.
Krystian Wystub
{K:1342} 10/17/2003
Solid "7" !!
Daniel case
{K:756} 10/17/2003
The color is very good. I like the beetles pose also. Well done!!!
Alan Orr
{K:9671} 10/17/2003
Nice color and detail as well as composition.
Per-Arne Andersson
{K:705} 10/17/2003
The tired colors. The leg left behind. The withered antennas. Being a beetle is an important task. A good piceture with a solid message!
Sara M
{K:12411} 10/17/2003
Great macro and DOF, the colors are amazing... and the emotional appeal.. The title suites the picture perfectly..
Miluxa Patricio
{K:6060} 10/17/2003
Beautiful macro! Lovely!