Marcus Vianna
{K:4552} 8/13/2009
It is even out of the relationship between the size and weight and piece of wood ant carrying. is a matter of the base sheet and a very dense, I was also impressed. wishes Randy Marcus
Randy Libner
{K:4084} 8/13/2009
Not sure how international my humor is sometimes. I try, but I am no stand up comic. Since a kid I have always been amazed at the strength of an ant..... especially so with those skinny little legs.
Marcus Vianna
{K:4552} 8/12/2009
The same note for the great effort ... Ahn ... Thanks Randy! :)
Marcus Vianna
{K:4552} 8/12/2009
kkkkkk, pode ser que estaje levando comida para uma festança! Ou que tenha uma familia grande, ou somente mais um escravo de um sistema autoritarista... kkkkkkk Abraço Gustavo!
Randy Libner
{K:4084} 8/12/2009
Sixteen tons, what do ya get, another day older and deeper in debt. :) My goodness what a load. Great capture.
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 7/14/2009
Cuanto esfuerzo sobre los hombros de la hormiguita, será el cristo de las hormigas cargando su pesada cruz?...:-)
Un abrazo!