City - Seatonville, Illinois State - OUR LIVING ROOM Country - United States
Strange things happen in the Loy household. For generations things remain the same... then, all of a sudden, the next generation takes a turn and life is interesting. For decades and decades, the families of my wife and me have been solid and dependable and simple. Then, out of the blue MM's children take off and do a life turn that was never expected... heck... never dreamt of. The oldest son is in radio. Rochester, New York. He is an on air personality. The middle son is doing aerospace engineering math and applying to NASA to shoot thingies up into space to orbit and sail. The youngest child (Eli) will graduate in one week from the Naval Academy of Music and go to work playing flute for a division of the United States Army band. And MM and I are the last of the solid, dependable generation. I have always said, "It is not my job to give my children a better life than I had. It is my job to give them the opportunity for a better life. It is their job to take that opportunity and run with it." So far, my children have gone in directions I find amazing... As for this bit of cactus... MM bought it and set it in the Loy house... and the very next generation took a turn off the ordinary... Strange things about the Loy household. It might be MM. It might be me. It might be me and MM. It might be the rarefied air of Seatonville, Illinois. Whatever it is… strange turnings in the next generation…