Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 1/2/2009
Cas, yes I learned too that exposure time nust be max 2 seconds or so. They move FAST ! harry
Cas van der Walt
{K:672} 1/1/2009
Hi, There is nothing left after 2008. I had my camera on a tri-pod and a 10 second delay on the shutter but still there is movement.Boy-these guys can move (ha-ha). Groete Cas.
Cas van der Walt
{K:672} 1/1/2009
Thanks Guido, I don't know which is which but............. Have a very good New year yourself. Groete, Cas.
Cas van der Walt
{K:672} 1/1/2009
Hi Renato, I had my camera on a tri-pod and a 10 second delay but I still got movement. Groete, Cas.
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 1/1/2009
Cas, a special view. Yes, a planet named Hercolobus will impact om earth in 2012. So get your savings from the bank and spend it all before that time ;-) Will it happen ? I cannot care, it happens or it does not happen, I cant change it. End of Times has been predicted so often .... hhahaha
Guido Tweepenninckx
{K:20076} 1/1/2009
nice lunar moment . yesterday venus was left of the moon. cheers and happy new year
 Venus/Moon |
Renato Farinas
{K:715} 1/1/2009
Great capture...
Renato Farinas