Cas van der Walt
{K:672} 5/4/2009
Hi again Gust@vo, Thanks for the comments. Groete, Cas.
Sinem .
{K:9180} 5/4/2009
Hi Cas, maybe we have but I dont know ? I dont wanna to meet with them when I am alone :)))
Groete, Sinem
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 5/3/2009
Muy buen acercamiento. Felicitaciones
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 5/3/2009
Not this one (I'm not sure!) but similar, yes. my best regards teresa
Cas van der Walt
{K:672} 5/3/2009
Thank you Teresa, Have you got any of these little fellows in Poland? Thanks for your comment. Groete, Cas.
Cas van der Walt
{K:672} 5/3/2009
Thanks Sinem, I love showing little animals to people in oter countries. Maybe you have this in Turkey? Groete, Cas.
Cas van der Walt
{K:672} 5/3/2009
Thanks Paul, I appreciate your comments on the Toktokkie and also the flower. To me it is the perfection in nature captivates me. Groete, Cas.
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 5/3/2009
Great capture of an interesting animal. Sharp in black and an amazing blue shadow. Interesting about too. Very good, regards, Paul
Sinem .
{K:9180} 5/3/2009
Wow, amazing macro, it is like a toy :)
Best wishes, Sinem
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 5/3/2009
Excellent!!! teresa