Paul Lara
{K:88111} 12/4/2008
Thanks, Ray.
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 12/4/2008
A good dramatic pose here with beautiful tones and excellent detailing, it has a kind of soft look about it but that I find quite pleasing. I just love those fly away strands of hair. Great stuff Paul. Cheers to you.....Ray
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 12/4/2008
A good dramatic pose here with beautiful tones and excellent detailing. I just love those fly away strands of hair. Great stuff Paul. Cheers to you.....Ray
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 12/3/2008
Her dress is so bright that skin tones don't dominate, so yeah, I think the B&W works even better, Mark.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 12/3/2008
Wow, Mark, that's very cool. That creates a whole new vibe in this shot, man. I like it.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 12/3/2008
very nice lightning, love it Paul, give a mysterious look to the model.
Mark Julian
{K:36866} 12/3/2008
hmmm, maybe I like the B/W one a bit more - what are your thoughts Paul? I kinda like the B/W one..........
 A bit Spooky but I dig it.... |
Mark Julian
{K:36866} 12/3/2008
Like this one but thought there's a little too much face/facial skin (so I worked on it a bit). Needs more work but it did change that situation a bit - what do you think?

Paul Lara
{K:88111} 12/2/2008
Hey, as you know Stace, I am thick-skinned and here to learn and grow. I always accept thoughtful critiques with all the love that is intended - especially yours. Keep it comin' beautiful!
Stace Walker
{K:4175} 12/2/2008
lol sorry Paul :) I know you do the best you can. Like I said, it's still a great shot, I just wish the skin had your usual pop to it.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 12/2/2008
Oh, way to pile on me, Stace!
Yeah, this shot was dearly loved by model and mother, but was not really in focus, so I had to make me some lemonade, so to speak. ;)~
Stace Walker
{K:4175} 12/2/2008
I have to agree with Julie.. It's probably a combination of the lighting and post-processing, but her skin looks flat.. Usually you have a knack for making your subjects pop.. Making the image look 3-D.. Like you're looking at them through a window instead of on a computer screen.. This is like a picture of a poster..
Don't get me totally wrong, the colors and pose and movement are great.. But I want to FEEL the wind, and it's hard to do that when her skin is so.. unexciting..?
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 12/2/2008
Well, yeah, I used several Kubota Actions that boosted contrast and smoothed the skin, Julie. I resort to that when the shot is not in crisp focus. :(
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 12/2/2008
Love her pose, dress and hair movement but something doesn't seem right about her face...hmmmm maybe over airbrushed? hmmmm...I can't really pick it out...
M. Bi
{K:3646} 12/2/2008
Beautiful model and pictures! Well done! Mauri