Emilia Garbera - Herghelegiu
{K:1397} 7/23/2010
Dziękuję za komentarz Jurku :) Pozdrawiam Emilka
Jurek Sobkowicz
{K:344} 3/31/2010
Moc zawarta w tym zdjęciu, wymowne i ciekawe,Milego dnia Emilio.
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 11/9/2008
A cie choroba,fruwajacy Holender,a co on sie tak wygnal wziol. Swietne ujecie. Stanislaw.
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 11/8/2008
Una belleza, excelente el tratamiento sobre el cielo. Felicitaciones!
Emilia Garbera - Herghelegiu
{K:1397} 11/8/2008
Thanks a lot for comment Hakan :)! Welcome to my gallery! Best regards Emilia
Emilia Garbera - Herghelegiu
{K:1397} 11/8/2008
Thanks a lot for comment Joel :). Welcome to my gallery :). regards Emilia
Emilia Garbera - Herghelegiu
{K:1397} 11/8/2008
Thanks a lot for comment Lynn! regards Emilia
Joel Sweet
{K:228} 11/3/2008
Fantastic shot. Love the colors
Lynn Farrell
{K:336} 11/1/2008
Very nice shot... could maybe straighten out the horizon a bit. Otherwise, appealing
{K:15913} 10/29/2008
Very nice composition, Congrats!
Emilia Garbera - Herghelegiu
{K:1397} 10/29/2008
Thanks for comment Jacques! Glad You like it :). Best regards! Emilia
Emilia Garbera - Herghelegiu
{K:1397} 10/29/2008
Thanks for comment Mohamed! Glad U like it :). Welcome to my gallery :) Best regards Emilia
Emilia Garbera - Herghelegiu
{K:1397} 10/29/2008
Thanks for comment Sid! Glad U like it :). Welcome to my gallery :) Best regards! Emilia
Emilia Garbera - Herghelegiu
{K:1397} 10/29/2008
Thanks for comment Riny ...;)! regards Emilia
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 10/28/2008
very nice process, great composition, a real nice work
Mohamed Bakr
{K:1934} 10/28/2008
perfect work,,succes M.bakr
Sid Banerjee
{K:3127} 10/27/2008
Wonderful composition and processing
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 10/26/2008
It could be better Emilia...;)